All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
getProducts | GET /products | List Products |
getProductsProduct | GET /products/{id} | Get a Product |
postProductsSearch | POST /products/search | Search Products |
StoreProductsListRes getProducts(q, id, salesChannelId, collectionId, typeId, tags, title, description, handle, isGiftcard, createdAt, updatedAt, categoryId, includeCategoryChildren, offset, limit, expand, fields, order, cartId, regionId, currencyCode)
List Products
Retrieves a list of Products.
// Import classes:
ProductApi apiInstance = new ProductApi();
String q = "q_example"; // String | Query used for searching products by title, description, variant's title, variant's sku, and collection's title
Id id = new Id(); // Id | product IDs to search for.
List<String> salesChannelId = Arrays.asList("salesChannelId_example"); // List<String> | an array of sales channel IDs to filter the retrieved products by.
List<String> collectionId = Arrays.asList("collectionId_example"); // List<String> | Collection IDs to search for
List<String> typeId = Arrays.asList("typeId_example"); // List<String> | Type IDs to search for
List<String> tags = Arrays.asList("tags_example"); // List<String> | Tag IDs to search for
String title = "title_example"; // String | title to search for.
String description = "description_example"; // String | description to search for.
String handle = "handle_example"; // String | handle to search for.
Boolean isGiftcard = true; // Boolean | Search for giftcards using is_giftcard=true.
CreatedAt4 createdAt = new CreatedAt4(); // CreatedAt4 | Date comparison for when resulting products were created.
UpdatedAt4 updatedAt = new UpdatedAt4(); // UpdatedAt4 | Date comparison for when resulting products were updated.
List<String> categoryId = Arrays.asList("categoryId_example"); // List<String> | Category ids to filter by.
Boolean includeCategoryChildren = true; // Boolean | Include category children when filtering by category_id.
Integer offset = 0; // Integer | How many products to skip in the result.
Integer limit = 100; // Integer | Limit the number of products returned.
String expand = "expand_example"; // String | (Comma separated) Which fields should be expanded in each product of the result.
String fields = "fields_example"; // String | (Comma separated) Which fields should be included in each product of the result.
String order = "order_example"; // String | the field used to order the products.
String cartId = "cartId_example"; // String | The id of the Cart to set prices based on.
String regionId = "regionId_example"; // String | The id of the Region to set prices based on.
String currencyCode = "currencyCode_example"; // String | The currency code to use for price selection.
try {
StoreProductsListRes result = apiInstance.getProducts(q, id, salesChannelId, collectionId, typeId, tags, title, description, handle, isGiftcard, createdAt, updatedAt, categoryId, includeCategoryChildren, offset, limit, expand, fields, order, cartId, regionId, currencyCode);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ProductApi#getProducts");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
q | String | Query used for searching products by title, description, variant's title, variant's sku, and collection's title | [optional] |
id | Id | product IDs to search for. | [optional] |
salesChannelId | List<String> | an array of sales channel IDs to filter the retrieved products by. | [optional] |
collectionId | List<String> | Collection IDs to search for | [optional] |
typeId | List<String> | Type IDs to search for | [optional] |
tags | List<String> | Tag IDs to search for | [optional] |
title | String | title to search for. | [optional] |
description | String | description to search for. | [optional] |
handle | String | handle to search for. | [optional] |
isGiftcard | Boolean | Search for giftcards using is_giftcard=true. | [optional] |
createdAt | CreatedAt4 | Date comparison for when resulting products were created. | [optional] |
updatedAt | UpdatedAt4 | Date comparison for when resulting products were updated. | [optional] |
categoryId | List<String> | Category ids to filter by. | [optional] |
includeCategoryChildren | Boolean | Include category children when filtering by category_id. | [optional] |
offset | Integer | How many products to skip in the result. | [optional] [default to 0] |
limit | Integer | Limit the number of products returned. | [optional] [default to 100] |
expand | String | (Comma separated) Which fields should be expanded in each product of the result. | [optional] |
fields | String | (Comma separated) Which fields should be included in each product of the result. | [optional] |
order | String | the field used to order the products. | [optional] |
cartId | String | The id of the Cart to set prices based on. | [optional] |
regionId | String | The id of the Region to set prices based on. | [optional] |
currencyCode | String | The currency code to use for price selection. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
StoreProductsRes getProductsProduct(id, salesChannelId, cartId, regionId, fields, expand, currencyCode)
Get a Product
Retrieves a Product.
// Import classes:
ProductApi apiInstance = new ProductApi();
String id = "id_example"; // String | The id of the Product.
String salesChannelId = "salesChannelId_example"; // String | The sales channel used when fetching the product.
String cartId = "cartId_example"; // String | The ID of the customer's cart.
String regionId = "regionId_example"; // String | The ID of the region the customer is using. This is helpful to ensure correct prices are retrieved for a region.
String fields = "fields_example"; // String | (Comma separated) Which fields should be included in the result.
String expand = "expand_example"; // String | (Comma separated) Which fields should be expanded in each product of the result.
String currencyCode = "currencyCode_example"; // String | The 3 character ISO currency code to set prices based on. This is helpful to ensure correct prices are retrieved for a currency.
try {
StoreProductsRes result = apiInstance.getProductsProduct(id, salesChannelId, cartId, regionId, fields, expand, currencyCode);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ProductApi#getProductsProduct");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | The id of the Product. | |
salesChannelId | String | The sales channel used when fetching the product. | [optional] |
cartId | String | The ID of the customer's cart. | [optional] |
regionId | String | The ID of the region the customer is using. This is helpful to ensure correct prices are retrieved for a region. | [optional] |
fields | String | (Comma separated) Which fields should be included in the result. | [optional] |
expand | String | (Comma separated) Which fields should be expanded in each product of the result. | [optional] |
currencyCode | String | The 3 character ISO currency code to set prices based on. This is helpful to ensure correct prices are retrieved for a currency. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
StorePostSearchRes postProductsSearch(q, offset, limit)
Search Products
Run a search query on products using the search engine installed on Medusa
// Import classes:
ProductApi apiInstance = new ProductApi();
String q = "q_example"; // String | The query to run the search with.
Integer offset = 56; // Integer | How many products to skip in the result.
Integer limit = 56; // Integer | Limit the number of products returned.
try {
StorePostSearchRes result = apiInstance.postProductsSearch(q, offset, limit);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ProductApi#postProductsSearch");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
q | String | The query to run the search with. | |
offset | Integer | How many products to skip in the result. | [optional] |
limit | Integer | Limit the number of products returned. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json