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Doug Schmidt edited this page Aug 29, 2022 · 5 revisions

ProvisioningTool - LocationNote tasks

  • EXPORT, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE operations are supported.

Format of the LocationNotes.csv file

Column Header Example value Description
UniqueId b2c1b04f9e0547e7a23f9709137ddc7d The unique ID for the note assigned by AQTS.

The UniqueId column is ignored for CREATE operations.
The UniqueId column is optional for UPDATED operations.
The UniqueId column is required for DELETE operations.
LocationIdentifier 05JJ009 The text identifier for the location note.
StartTime 2022-04-15T13:45:00-07:00 The optional start time of the note.
EndTime 2022-04-15T15:45:00-07:00 The optional end time of the note.
Details 'The solar panel was stolen sometime after the 2021-Feb-18 field visit.' A free form text field for the details of the note. Text containing commas or newlines must be quoted.
TimeSeries Stage.Telemetry@Loc1 An optional time-series identifier for the note can be specified in any of three formats:

- {Parameter}.{Label} (eg. Stage.Telemetry)
- {Parameter}.{Label}@{Location} (eg. Stage.Telemetry@Loc1)
- {TimeSeriesUniqueId} (eg. `b2c1b04f9e0547e7a23f9709137ddc7d)
Tag:{key} Column headers beginning with "Tag:" followed by the key of the tag can be used to assign a tag value to a location note. The tag must be configured with AppliesToLocationNotes = true in order to set a value for the location note.

UPDATE operations

The same CSV file format for the -Task="CREATE LocationNote CreateLocationNotes.csv" task can also be used for the -Task="UPDATE LocationNote UpdateLocationNotes.csv" task. But the CSV shape of an UPDATE task can be thinner, with only the columns required to identify the note and the properties which are changing. Properties not included in the CSV column header will not be updated.

The best way to identify a location note is through its UniqueId property, available from the GET AQUARIUS/Publish/v2/GetLocationData API response, or by running the EXPORT operation.

If no UniqueId value exists (or of no Unique column header exists for the whole file), but a note has a StartTime and EndTime, then the note can be identified through the combination of the LocationIdentifier, StartTime, and the EndTime columns.

Notes with no start time or no end time can only be identified using the UniqueId column.

DELETE operations

Only the UniqueId column is used, so it must be present. All other columns will be ignored.

Format of location note tag columns

The ProvisioningTool supports the setting of any configured tag with AppliesToLocationNotes applicability. These tag values are identified by column names beginning with the Tag: prefix. The appropriate tag key name follows the colon.

The same Tag:xxx format and rules used by the Location task is used to specify location note tags.