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Doug Schmidt edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 2 revisions

ProvisioningTool - TimeSeries tasks

  • EXPORT, CREATE, and UPDATE operations are supported.
  • DELETE operations are not supported for time-series. But you can use the LocationDeleter.exe tool for that.

Format of the CreateTimeSeries.csv file

Column Header Example value Description
LocationIdentifier 05JJ009 The text identifier for the location owning the series.
ParameterId HG The parameter ID for the series (use the ID "HG", not the Display ID "Stage").
Label Telemetry Any non-empty string. Labels must be unique for each location/parameterID.
TimeSeriesType One of:
The type of series.
UnitId ft The unit ID of the series. Can be any unit within the parameter's unit group.
InterpolationType One of:
The interpolation type of the series.
UtcOffset -06:00 The offset from UTC, in +HH:MM or -HH:MM format. Defaults to the location's UTC offset if blank or omitted.
GapToleranceInMinutes 60 The initial gap tolerance, in minutes, for the series.
Description Bubbler hose under the gage house. A description of the series. Can be blank or omitted.
Comment Watch out for frogs! A comment for the series. Can be blank or omitted.
Method HGLOGGER The method code for the parameter. See the System Config Methods page for details.
Defaults to DefaultNone if blank or omitted.
Publish false A true or false flag controlling the publish status of the series.
SubLocationIdentifier GageHouse The sub-location identifier within the location. Can be blank or omitted.
ComputationIdentifier One of:
Selected Value
Tidal High
Tidal Lower High
Tidal Higher Low
Tidal Low
Max At Event Time
Total Amount
The identifier of the computation type. See the System Config Computation Types page for details.
Can be blank or omitted.
ComputationPeriodIdentifier One of:
Water Year
The identifier of the computation period. See the System Config Computation Periods page for details.
Can be blank or omitted.
UniqueId b2c1b04f9e0547e7a23f9709137ddc7d This column is ignored in CREATE tasks, but can be used in UPDATE tasks. You can use either the UniqueId column or all three of the LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, and Label columns to identify the series whose other properties will be updated. If all 4 columns are used, UniqueId takes precedence.
UpdatedLabel Telemtry_OLD This column is ignored in CREATE tasks, but can be used in UPDATE tasks to change the label text of a series when the column value is not an empty string.
Ext:{key} Vedas for Ext:Logger Column headers beginning with "Ext:" followed by the key of the extended attribute can be used to assign an extended attribute value to a series. The extended attribute must be configured with AppliesToTimeSeries = true in order to set a value for the series.

Format of the UpdateTimeSeries.csv file

The same CSV file format for the -Task="CREATE TimeSeries CreateTimeSeriess.csv" task can also be used for the -Task="UPDATE TimeSeries UpdateTimeSeries.csv" task. But the CSV shape of an UPDATE task can be much thinner, only needing to supply enough columns to select a series (just the UniqueId column or all three LocationIdentifier, ParmeterId, and Label columns), plus one column for each property to update. Any columns not included in the CSV will not be modified.


  • You cannot update the UtcOffset column of an existing series. When the -Task='UPDATE TimeSeries pathToCsv' task is used, the UtcOffset column will be ignored if it exists in the CSV file.
  • When all the column values match the current series' property values, no change will be made to the series. A series will only be modified when at least one property value is changed.

Format of time-series extended attribute columns

The ProvisioningTool supports the setting of any configured extended attribute values. These values are identified by column names beginning with the Ext: prefix. The appropriate extended attribute key name follows the colon.

Assume there are two extended attributes which can be set on a series:

CSV column header Extended attribute display name Example value
Ext:Logger Logger Vedas II
Ext:Status Status ACTIVE

Example CSV with extended attributes

Here is an example CSV, with a header row and two series rows:

LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, Label, TimeSeriesType, UnitId, InterpolationType, UtcOffset, GapToleranceInMinutes, Description, Comment, Publish, Method, ComputationIdentifier, ComputationPeriodIdentifier, SubLocationIdentifier, UniqueId, UpdatedLabel, Ext:Logger, Ext:Status
Loc1, HG, Telemetry, Basic, ft, InstantaneousValues, , 60, Bubbler hose under the gage house., Watch out for frogs!, false, HGLOGGER, , , , , , Vedas II, Active
Loc1, PP, External, Reflected, in, PrecedingTotals, , 60, From weather agency, , false, , , , , , , , Active

Renaming an existing series using the UPDATE task

An existing series can have its label changed using the -Task="UPDATE TimeSeries pathToCsv" task.

This section describes a few different ways a series can be renamed. The example CSVs have been trimmed down to the fewest required columns for clarity, but keep in mind that you can update all the attributes of a series with one CSV if you need to.

Five different columns supported by the UPDATE task will determine if a series' will be renamed:

  • LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, Label, UniqueId, and UpdatedLabel.
  • When the UniqueId column exists and has a non-empty value, its value will be used to select the existing series to update.
  • When the UniqueId column value is empty, or if the column doesn't exist in the CSV, then the LocationIdentifier and ParameterId and Label column values will be used to select the existing series to update.

The above rules yield different CSV shapes which can be used to rename a series:

Option A) - Use LocationIdentifier+ParameterId+Label and UpdatedLabel, but not UniqueId

This CSV shape is often the simplest for renaming, since you can work with the text identifiers you already know. Just specify the old identifer and the new identifier.

LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, Label, UpdatedLabel
05JJ009, HG, Telemetry, Telemetry_OLD
Loc1, PP, External, OtherAgency

Option B) - Use UniqueId and Label, but not UpdatedLabel

This CSV shape requires using the AQTS REST API to pull the list of locations and their uniqueID values. The GET /AQUARIUS/Publish/v2/GetTimeSeriesDescriptionList response has all the required pieces.

This shape is useful when you have already extracted the AQTS unique IDs and you know the new label values.

UniqueId, Label
b2c1b04f9e0547e7a23f9709137ddc7d, Telemetry_OLD
729254bc35c84762a4fa829fa0f2f3ec, OtherAgency

Option C) - Use UniqueId and UpdatedLabel, ignoring Label

In this scenario, the rule of "UpdatedLabel trumps Label" kicks in. CSVs with this shape will be essentially ignoring the Label values completely, using the UniqueId to find the existing series, and then using the UpdatedLabel value as the series' new label.

UniqueId, Label, UpdatedLabel
b2c1b04f9e0547e7a23f9709137ddc7d, Can be anything, Telemtry_OLD
729254bc35c84762a4fa829fa0f2f3ec, Does not matter, OtherAgency
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