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Doug Schmidt edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 3 revisions

ProvisioningTool - RepairTimeSeries tasks

  • Only the UPDATE operation is supported for this task.

Database credentials are required for time-series repair

The RepairTimeSeries tasks require direct access to the AQTS database, since the Provisioning API doesn't support these types of changes.

See the Database Credentials topic for more details.

The simplest thing to do is run ProvisioningTool directly on the AQTS app server, to allow automatic discovery of the correct database configuration settings.

The RepairTimeSeries operation is a bit dangerous. Proceed with caution!

The RepairTimeSeries operation allows some normally-locked properties of basic or reflected time-series to be changed.

This operation can be useful in the early stages of building a system, so that you can retain the points/corrections already in a series, without having to delete and reload everything.

But if you are regularly running the RepairTimeSeries operation as part of your organization's production workflow, then you're using it incorrectly and have bigger issues to solve.

Intended use-cases for the RepairTimeSeries operation

  • Use a simple CSV file to describe which properties of a series should be changed.
  • Change from one parameter to another
  • Change from one unit to another within the parameter's unit group
  • Move the series to another location
  • Change the default grade code (either by numeric code or by grade name)
  • Change the interpolation type
  • Any combination of the above.

All the changes are made quickly in the DB, while retaining the current points, corrections, and approvals.


The RepairTimeSeries operation enforces/validates quite a few preconditions, to prevent a user from creating an invalid time-series that otherwise the product would not allow:

  • The location/parameter/label uniqueness constraint is maintained.
  • You can only repair basic or reflected series. You can't repair a derived series (maybe in a future release, but that's waaay more complex)
  • You can't repair a series if it is an input to a derived processing plan (for the same reasons. PROC validation is complex)
  • You can't change parameters if the series has any parameter-specific method codes.
  • You can't change interpolation to InstantaneousTotals (Type 6) or DiscreteValues (Type 7) if the series has any non MaxGap tolerances set.

If any of the CSV rows violate one of these constraints, then that invalid is logged and skipped.

CSV columns

Column header Description
TimeSeriesUniqueId The unique 32-character identifier for the series.

Either TimeSeriesUniqueId or all three of LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, and UnitId must be set.
LocationIdentifier The location identifier of the series.

Either TimeSeriesUniqueId or all three of LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, and UnitId must be set.
ParameterId The parameter ID of the series (HG not Stage).

Either TimeSeriesUniqueId or all three of LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, and UnitId must be set.
Label The label of the series.

Either TimeSeriesUniqueId or all three of LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, and UnitId must be set.
UnitId If set, the unit ID will be updated. The unit ID must be part of the parameter's unit group.
InterpolationType If set, must be one of:

- InstantaneousValues (Type 1)
- PrecedingConstant (Type 2)
- PrecedingTotals (Type 5)
- InstantaneousTotals (Type 6)
- DiscreteValues (Type 7)
- SucceedingConstant (Type 8)
DefaultGradeCodeOrName If set, the default grade stripe for the series will be updated. This value can be a numeric grade code like 10 or a grade name like Good.
UpdatedLocationIdentifier If set, this will be the identifier of the location that now owns the series.
UpdatedParameterId If set, the parameter ID will be changed to this value.
UpdatedLabel If set, the label will be changed to this value.

Sample CSV file

# Repairing a time-series is a special UPDATE task to change some normally-unchangeable properties of time-series, while retaining the rest of the existing points, corrections, and other metadata.
# CREATE and DELETE tasks for RepairTimeSeries are not supported.
# Please use with caution and ONLY after verifying that your database and blob storage backup & restore procedures are working.
# An existing time-series can be identified by one of two methods:
# 1) Just the TimeSeriesUniqueId column (1st column).
# 2) The combination of LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, and Label (the next 3 columns), when column 1 is empty.
# When the TimeSeriesUniqueId column is set, then the LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, and Label columns can be set to their new desired values.
# Other optional columns:
# - UnitId - If set, must be one of the unit IDs in the target parameter ID's unit group
# - InterpolationType - If set, must be one of: InstantaneousValues, PrecedingConstant, PrecedingTotals, InstantaneousTotals, DiscreteValues, SucceedingConstant
# - DefaultGradeCodeOrName - If set, must be either a numeric grade code or name. The series default grade code will be set to match.
# - UpdatedLocationIdentifier - If set, will update the location identifier.
# - UpdatedParameterId - If set, will update the parameterId.
# - UpdatedLabel - If set, will update the label.
# Types of repair actions which are possible:
# - Switch the series to another parameter
# - Switch ownership to another location
# - Change the unit
# - Change the default grade code (which applies to newly appended points).
# - Change the interpolation type
# - Change the label (sometimes required to maintain the location/parameter/label uniqueness constraint)
# Any combination of the above

# Constraints:
# Rows with invalid values will be skipped (for any invalid location identifiers, parameter IDs, unit IDs, grade codes, interpolation types)
# You can only repair Basic and Reflected series, not Derived series.
# You cannot repair a series if it is used as an input to a derivation processing plan.
# You cannot switch a series to a different parameter if the series has parameter-specific method codes.
# An updated unit ID must be within the target parameter's unit group.
# Parameters are referenced by ID, not identifier. So "HG" but not "Stage".
# If changing the parameter and/or location, you cannot violate the location/parameter/label uniqueness constraint. You may need to set an updated label to avoid this.

# General guidance:
# Only specify the columns you actually need to change. Leave other columns blank/empty, to indicate these are not being changed.

# This 10-column header line must be the first non-blonk, non-commented line in the CSV
TimeSeriesUniqueId, LocationIdentifier, ParameterId, Label, UnitId, InterpolationType, DefaultGradeCodeOrName, UpdatedLocationIdentifier, UpdatedParameterId, UpdatedLabel

# The next row is an example how you can reference a series by its unique ID and move it to another location. Only the first 2 columns are required.
a4ee555ecd4a4e0ca5283fb8a6bb7e06, NewLocation

# The next row changes the parameter to a Stage series in meters and the default grade to Excellent and leaving everything else unchanged
870e9bd1129d438da6dfe3e782ca3bb9, , HG, , m, , Excellent

# The next row uses the location/parameter/label to identify the series. The series is changed to a Depth series with a new label, a default grade code of 11, and a change of interpolation.
, 5016, HG, Historic, ft, InstantaneousValues, 11, , Depth, FromTopOfCasing