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Doug Schmidt edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

ProvisioningTool - PicklistDisplayItem tasks

  • CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE operations are supported.

Configuring your AQTS picklists

The PicklistDisplayItem tasks are used to configure the dropdown menus visible in the AQTS system (typically in the browser web forms).

These tasks configure the PicklistDisplayItem database table, which stores a localizable list of values.

The AQUARIUS browser apps (Springboard, Field Visit, Location Manager) try to use the current language definition for a list item, falling back to the English item if no language-specific item exists.

Database credentials are required for picklist configuration

The PicklistDisplayItem tasks require direct access to the AQTS database, since the Provisioning API doesn't yet expose the locale-specific information.

See the Database Credentials topic for more details.

The simplest thing to do is run ProvisioningTool directly on the AQTS app server, to allow automatic discovery of the correct database configuration settings.

Fixed-size vs. Configurable-size picklists

The System Config app has two tabs for picklist configuration:

  • The Drop-down Lists, Configurable tab, where you are free to define as many or as few items as you'd like for each list.
  • The Drop-down Lists, Fixed tab, where the number of items is fixed. You can change the display names, or add translated versions, but if AQTS is expecting a list of 10 items, your customization must still include 10 items.

Most picklists in the system are fixed-sized lists. The lists can change from release to release, so please contact our Support Team to help guide you through this configuration process.

AQTS 2021.4 picklists

The 2021.4 picklists are:

PickListKey PickListType DisplayName
BottomEstimateMethodType Configurable Bottom Estimate Method
ConditionType Configurable Condition
ControlType Configurable Control Type
DepthReferenceType Configurable Depth Reference
FlowOverControlType Configurable Flow Over Control Type
IceAssemblyType Configurable Ice Assembly Type
LevelSurveyMethod Configurable Level Survey Method
NavigationMethodType Configurable Navigation Method
ReadingQualifierType Configurable Reading Qualifier Type
SuspensionWeightType Configurable Suspension Weight
TopEstimateMethodType Configurable Top Estimate Method
VelocityObservationMethodType Configurable Velocity Observation Method
AdjustmentType Fixed Adjustment Type
BaseFlowType Fixed Base Flow Type
CalibrationCheckType Fixed Calibration Check Type
ChannelEvennessType Fixed Channel Evenness
ChannelMaterialType Fixed Channel Material
ChannelStabilityType Fixed Channel Stability
ControlCleanedType Fixed Control Cleaned Type
CrossSectionStartPointType Fixed Cross Section Start Point
DatumPolarity Fixed Datum Polarity
DeploymentMethodType Fixed Deployment Method
DischargeMeasurementReasonType Fixed Discharge Measurement Reason
DischargeMethodType Fixed Discharge Method Type
EngineeredStructureType Fixed Engineered Structure Type
GageHeightCalculationType Fixed Gage Height Calculation Type
HorizontalFlowType Fixed Horizontal Flow Type
InspectionType Fixed Inspection Type
InterpolationType Fixed Interpolation Type
MeasurementLocationToGageType Fixed Measurement Location To Gage
MeterSuspensionType Fixed Meter Suspension
PointVelocityMethodType Fixed Point Velocity Method
PointVelocityObservationType Fixed Point Velocity Observation
QualitativeUncertaintyType Fixed Qualitative Uncertainty
ReadingType Fixed Reading Type
ReasonForAdjustmentType Fixed Reason For Adjustment
StartPointType Fixed Start Point
ThresholdType Fixed Threshold Type
VelocityMethodType Fixed Velocity Method
VelocityVariationType Fixed Velocity Variation
VerticalType Fixed Vertical Type
VerticalVelocityDistributionType Fixed Vertical Velocity Distribution
ViewModeType Fixed View Mode

CSV shape

PicklistKey, ItemKey, DisplayName, DisplayOrder, Locale

# The Locale column will always default to "en" if omitted.

ConditionType, Unspecified, Nobody knows, 1,