Here is a bird's eye view of where Aquila Client Libraries fit in the entire ecosystem:
pip install aquilapy
from aquilapy import Wallet, DB, Hub
import numpy as np
import time
# Create a wallet instance from private key
wallet = Wallet("private_unencrypted.pem")
host = ""
# Connect to Aquila DB instance
db = DB(host, "5001", wallet)
# Connect to Aquila Hub instance
hub = Hub(host, "5002", wallet)
# Schema definition to be used
schema_def = {
"description": "this is my database",
"unique": "r8and0mseEd901",
"encoder": "strn:msmarco-distilbert-base-tas-b",
"codelen": 768,
"metadata": {
"name": "string",
"age": "number"
# Craete a database with the schema definition provided
db_name = db.create_database(schema_def)
# Craete a database with the schema definition provided
db_name_ = hub.create_database(schema_def)
print(db_name, db_name_)
# Generate encodings
texts = ["Amazon", "Google"]
compression = hub.compress_documents(db_name, texts)
# Prepare documents to be inserted
docs = [{
"metadata": {
"age": 20
"code": compression[0]
}, {
"metadata": {
"age": 30
"code": compression[1]
# Insert documents
dids = db.insert_documents(db_name, docs)
# Delete some documents
dids = db.delete_documents(db_name, dids)
# Perform a similarity search operation
matrix = np.random.rand(1, 25).tolist()
docs, dists = db.search_k_documents(db_name, matrix, 10)
print(len(docs[0]), len(dists[0]))
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