Hi, I’m @Arch-ive.
I’m interested in collecting and keeping a record of useful code.
I joined GitHub to learn how to fork repos and clone them locally for hosting privately. As I became more self reliant I've realised the value in forking so I encourage you to do so aswell.
Lurking my upstreams to see if there's a spot for me.
I’m looking to collaborate on the projects I've forked but my knowledge base may be pretty basic. I'll let you be the judge:
- The internet became available to me in my early teens. I've always been interested in tech.
- Myspace was my first touch at coding. I wrote alot of HTLM code to build the site to my liking.
- Jailbroke my first iphone I got from the USA so I could use it.
- Built my own PC. I've kept it going with upgrades when needed for over a decade now.
- Got though a decent ammount of levels of NotPron.com (work in progress -no spoilers-).
- Switched to Android for my mobile device. Rooted it and have run many many ROMs from XDADevelopers over the years. Familiar with SDK.
- Main driving my own build of Arch Linux to undertake this adventure with git.
- This is something I do in my spare time.
Feel free to reach out to me.