This is a sample application, which uses the OMDb API to get movie data.
The app follow the MVVM software architectural pattern and uses the below libraries.
You need API key
to run the app. The API key
can be issued free of charge on the OMDb API website.
Make the ApiKey.kt
file in the Data folder and fill it out as below.
const val API_KEY = "insert your api key"
├── app/
│ ├── core/
│ │ ├── base
│ │ └── extension
│ ├── di
│ ├── view
│ └── viewModel
├── data/
│ ├── remote/
│ │ ├── api
│ │ ├── model
│ │ └── source/
│ │ └── dao
│ └── <repository implementation>
└── domain/
├── model
├── repository
└── usecase
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin Flow
- Dagger Hilt
- Retrofit
- Gson
- Navigation Component
- DataBinding
- LifeCycle
- Room
- Glide