- Implementation of Cuckoo Hashing with 2 tables and 2 hash functions
- Implementation to test Secretary Problem
- Implementation to check Happy Number
g++ -v
g++ -std=c++11 <program_name>.cpp
###Interesting Links
Blind 75 problems on leetcode: https://leetcode.com/discuss/general-discussion/460599/blind-75-leetcode-questions
Leetcode patterns: https://seanprashad.com/leetcode-patterns/
- Buy and Sell stocks: from an array of prices, choose two days from buys and sell that maximizes the profit. Solution: DP, where DP[i] = arr[i] - current_min
- Currency Exchange: can you get the exact change with given denominations of coins and bills?
- Count number of contiguous subarrays that follows a constraint.
- Cutting Ribbons: Maximum length of k ribbons cut from a number of ribbons available of given lengths.
- Heavy Hitters: Find top k most frequent elements. Solution: Make a hashmap, keep counts, sort the hashmap by a priority queue based on counts as comparator. Return top k elements from the priority queue.
- Find k Closest points in an 1D line and an 2D plane. Solution: keep priority queue of length k based on the distance.
- Largest Triple Product: Solution: keep a priority queue of length 3, and if the current elemnt is larger than the top element of the queue, pop the queue once, and push the current element.
- buildHouse.cpp Problem: Choose the cell to build a house in a maze so that it has the least sum of distance from all other houses. Solution: BFS from all the empty cells to the houses and select the cell with minimum sum of paths.
- coursePrequisite.cpp
- Deduplicate a list from another larger list
- Ion flux Relabeling Build a balanced binary tree
- En Route Salute String processing O(n^2), can we improve?
- Prepare the Bunnies' Escape Solution involves doing BFS in a maze
- Build the Grandest Staircase
- Find the Access Codes finding a lucky triple (x,y,z) where x divides y and y divides z.
- Bunnies Escape Distribute Keys
Inlcuded in the folder MetaPuzzles and categorized level-wise.