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Coding Practice

This is where I practice solving interview questions

  1. Implementation of Cuckoo Hashing with 2 tables and 2 hash functions
  2. Implementation to test Secretary Problem
  3. Implementation to check Happy Number

How to run

g++ -v
g++ -std=c++11 <program_name>.cpp

###Interesting Links

Blind 75 problems on leetcode:

Leetcode patterns:

Topic-wise study

Array problems

  1. Buy and Sell stocks: from an array of prices, choose two days from buys and sell that maximizes the profit. Solution: DP, where DP[i] = arr[i] - current_min
  2. Currency Exchange: can you get the exact change with given denominations of coins and bills?
  3. Count number of contiguous subarrays that follows a constraint.
  4. Cutting Ribbons: Maximum length of k ribbons cut from a number of ribbons available of given lengths.
  5. Heavy Hitters: Find top k most frequent elements. Solution: Make a hashmap, keep counts, sort the hashmap by a priority queue based on counts as comparator. Return top k elements from the priority queue.
  6. Find k Closest points in an 1D line and an 2D plane. Solution: keep priority queue of length k based on the distance.
  7. Largest Triple Product: Solution: keep a priority queue of length 3, and if the current elemnt is larger than the top element of the queue, pop the queue once, and push the current element.

Graph problems

  1. buildHouse.cpp Problem: Choose the cell to build a house in a maze so that it has the least sum of distance from all other houses. Solution: BFS from all the empty cells to the houses and select the cell with minimum sum of paths.
  2. coursePrequisite.cpp

Google Foobar Additional Problems


Google Foobar Questions:

Level 1

  1. Deduplicate a list from another larger list

Level 2

  1. Ion flux Relabeling Build a balanced binary tree
  2. En Route Salute String processing O(n^2), can we improve?

Level 3

  1. Prepare the Bunnies' Escape Solution involves doing BFS in a maze
  2. Build the Grandest Staircase
  3. Find the Access Codes finding a lucky triple (x,y,z) where x divides y and y divides z.

Level 4

  1. Bunnies Escape Distribute Keys

Meta Careers Website Puzzles

Inlcuded in the folder MetaPuzzles and categorized level-wise.


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