The dotfiles are in a mess at the moment, this repo contains, some important ones. notably
neovim, under nvim -> .config or .nvim
i3, under i3, config still needs to be cleaned up -> .config
sway, recently copied from i3, has 200 lines -> .config
polybar, no longer used -> .config
qutebrowser, no submodules, the main browser version, is shared
kitty, terminal emulator, mostly for colourscheme -> .config
Eww, under eww -> .config
bash, under .bashrc and bash from Oct 28th, 2022, bashrc -> ~, bash -> .config
starship, under starship.toml -> .config
NOTE: The bash folder is non standard
- Tmux, under .tmux.conf -> ~
- X, under .Xresources, .xmodmpat, .xinitrc -> ~
- zsh, under .zshrc -> ~
- GTK, under .gtkrc-2.0 -> ~
- Emacs, under .emacs.d -> ~
- polybar
- eww
- rofi
- dmenu
- i3-dropdown
- tmux
- bash
- starship
- qalc
- vifm
- zoxide
- exa
- fzf
- Qutebrowser
- Zathura
- Mailspring
- Obsidian
- Thunar (optional)
- mpv
- wireshark
- htop
- Discord
- Spotify
- Python
- ipython
- spyder
- sympy
- wpm
- yt-dlp
- meson
- animdl/ani-cli
- powerline-status
- Rust
- pup
- Pipewire
- ffmpeg
- imagemagick
- pandoc
- Glava