This is a classic Snake game implemented in Java using Java GUI. The game features different levels of difficulty, sound effects, high score storage in a database, and multiple functionalities accessible through a user-friendly interface.
Start Game: Begin a new game of Snake.
Levels: Choose from three difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard.
High Scores: View the high scores stored in a database.
Sound Effects: Enjoy sound effects that enhance the gaming experience.
Help: Access the game instructions and controls.
Exit: Exit the game.
Technologies Used:
Java: Core language used for game logic.
Java GUI: For creating the graphical user interface.
Threads: Used for handling game loop and animations.
JDBC: For connecting and interacting with the database to store high scores.
Sound: Integrated sound effects for a better user experience.
How to use:
1.Clone the repository.
2.Compile the Java files.
3.Run the file to start the application.
4.Ensure you have a database (e.g., MySQL) set up.
Create a table for storing high scores:
CREATE TABLE highscore(
id int auto_increment primary key,
easyHighScore int,
mediumHighScore int,
hardHighScore int);
Update the database configuration in the file with your database credentials. Compile and run the game:
Start the Game: Click on the "Start" button to begin playing.
Select Level: Choose a difficulty level (Easy, Medium, Hard) from the "Level" menu.
View High Scores: Click on the "High Score" button to view the top scores.
Get Help: Click on the "Help" button for instructions and controls.
Exit the Game: Click on the "Exit" button to close the game.
Game Controls:
Arrow Keys(w,s,a,d): Control the direction of the snake (Up, Down, Left, Right).
e: Exit the game.