Using multiparty learning and homomorphic encryption, in Go.
The library aims at creating a network of nodes sharing neural network's parameters (weights) between them without sharing them own dataset. Moreover, fully homomorphic encryption is used to limit the access of the server receiving the weights and not let a white-box attack happen.
You can get inspiration by reading the tests file test/federated_test.go
In any case, you will need to instanciate nodes and make them connect and send data to a server node.
In your project root directory:
go get
. After that, the library is importable and usable such as:
package main
import (
fl ""
func main() {
node := fl.Create()
server := fl.Create()
// ** //
// ** //
- send HE messages
- fragment packets to fit max UDP size
- server can send results back
- make sure ACKs correspond to current msg / better udp
- nodes can join server / nb of participants
- gradients calculations
- aggregation + local weights update
- byzantine environnement resistance
- change BFV to CKKS for float operations
- generalize to n participants
- server setup nn
- let joiners propose input size, hyperparams,.. / not default
- refactor
- make project importable as lib
- make this current repo usable