A Bloom filter driven read filtering tool for investigating variation of a target locus within read sets.
BlooMine requires python 3.8 or 3.9, cmake and boost. Installing these is pretty straightforward.
Install cmake and boost
sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev
Compile BlooMine binaries
bash install.sh
Install the BlooMine package
pip install ./
BlooMine ./my_targets.fa ./my_fastq_dir/ -t 10 --suffix _{1,2}.fastq.gz
This runs BlooMine using targets found in my_targets.fa
on FASTQ file pairs found in ./my_fastq_dir/
with the pairing suffix _1.fastq.gz
and _2.fastq.gz
BlooMine takes a multifasta containing target read sequences formatted like:
>target_1 | flank1
>target_1 | flank2
>target_2 | flank1
>target_2 | flank2
Sequences must be idenfiable as being flank1 or flank2 of a target sequence.
A directory containing Illumina reads to be screened should be specified, along with a wildcard suffix for pairing read files. For example in the directory
└── mydata
├── cp1_1.fq.gz
├── cp1_2.fq.gz
├── cp2_1.fq.gz
├── cp2_2.fq.gz
├── cp3_1.fq.gz
└── cp3_2.fq.gz
the suffix would be _{1,2}.fq.gz
By default, BlooMine runs on physical memory. However, this may require a supercomputing cluster for larger datasets. Consequently, the --on_disk
flag partitions read files to temporary files and streams them from disk. This is much slower, but requires substantially less memory.
usage: BlooMine [-h] [-v] [-k KMER] [-f FALSE_POSITIVE] [-s FP_SIM] [-e SP_ERROR] [-t THREADS]
[-o OUTDIR] [--suffix SUFFIX] [--on_disk] [--bloomine_exec_bin BLOOMINE_EXEC_BIN]
target_fasta indir
positional arguments:
target_fasta A FASTA/MULTIFASTA file containing target sequence flanks.
indir Directory containing paired FASTQ files to screen for the target sequence.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-k KMER, --kmer KMER Kmer size. Default=7
False positive rate for building the Bloom filter. Range=0-1. Default=0.0001
-s FP_SIM, --FP_sim FP_SIM
FP-screen threshold for gene orthology inference as a percentage of kmer array
identity. Range=0-100. Default=50.0
-e SP_ERROR, --SP_error SP_ERROR
SP-screen screening error threshold for alignment, where the maximum number of
errors to return a read as a hit is 1/n given some n. Default=4.0
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use. Must be an even <int>. Default=4.
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Directory for writing output files. Default=./BlooMine_RUNDIR.
--suffix SUFFIX The fastq suffix to use for pairing read files. Default=_{1,2}.fastq.gz
--on_disk Write read partitions to disk and stream from them. Low memory usage but
slower. Default=False.
--bloomine_exec_bin BLOOMINE_EXEC_BIN
Path to a BlooMine_exec binary for use in this run. By default it will use the
executable in $PATH.