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Simple project to study basic Vue.js concepts

Status: Finished

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To-Do List Vue.js - This is one of my first projects with Vue.js and to maintain the standard I decided to make a To Do List 😅, I found the technology very interesting with emphasis on the Pinia tool for state management


  • Add a new task
  • Toggle task as completed or not completed
  • Delete task
  • Save tasks on localStorage



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How it works


Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git, Node.js and the pnpm package manager.

In addition, it is good to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode.

Running the project

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Access the project folder cmd/terminal
$ cd ToDo-List-Vuejs

# install the dependencies
$ pnpm install

# Run the application in development mode
$ pnpm dev

# The server will start at port: 5173 - go to http://localhost:5173

Tech Stack

The following tools were used in the construction of the project:

  • Vue.js
  • Typescript
  • Pinia (State management)
  • vue-uuid
  • heroicons/vue (Icons lib)

See the file package.json


  • Artur Poffo - Developer

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