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#tect • an architect’s WordPress theme

“In the beginning there was only chaos.”

A bespoke ecosystem created out of frustration for untidy, complex and unnecessary code in WordPress themes. Safe to deploy, but still experimental!

This theme aims to:

  • Be an unobtrusive, contemporary and responsive, suitable for visual designers and writers.
  • Be a deployable ecosystem with select plugins and style classes.
  • Pose as a semantic HTML5 and CSS3 snob experiment, which degrades (almost) gracefully for older browsers.
  • Break free from WordPress' dated content behaviors, bad output code and template–like PHP code.
  • Be suitable for bilingual users. English & Greek localization included.

Required plugins

Included / Credits

#####Known issues / Undocumented behaviors

  • Caption shortcode requires width=1 for fluid width.
  • It is suggested to use full-size for images if you want them to be fluid, filesize will be addressed with a plugin in the future.
  • RSS feeds have not been tested thus they may not work as expected.


high priority

  • restructure this list
  • image post → link different than thumb (link inside content?)
  • style prev and next links below the header, horizontally
  • link styles in .single header
  • improve galleries (center, animations)
  • expand second language → more understandable?
  • remove body > selectors (they cause issues with wrappers)
  • debug draggables, not working in Android
  • Test and work on RSS feeds.
  • header animations
  • test why wp-stage-switcher messes up
  • Finalize image post type looks (custom widths).
  • Finilize normal post looks.
  • fade out header in article view
  • sort article header and footer widths
  • IE issue with header svg
  • Add styles for pages, categories and menus in head
  • Hierarchical sizes for flex items via custom field.
  • Make tect_lang a widget.
  • Rename #logo and add navigation field for widgets
  • Style single pages differently from posts (?)
  • Find (or write) a responsive/fluid post slider plugin.
  • float prev/next posts links
  • replicate functionality of as plugin
  • add support
  • Move Magnific Popup into a separate plugin?
  • Option to display select taxonomies in home.
  • Always complete Greek l10n.

medium priority

  • Reduce echo functions, see content-single.php (?)
  • Add description to widget areas.
  • Option to group select taxonomies in home by week or month (emphemera).
  • HTML 5 for Galleries and captions: add_theme_support( 'html5', array( 'gallery', 'caption' ) );
  • Add social icon font for header stuff (github, twitter etc)
  • Menu enable & own menu walker.
  • Style Post Formats
  • Theme options:
    • Categories that are displayed in homepage. (default: all)
    • Media directory → /media (default: true)
  • Turn styleguide-raw.html into a proper accompanying page and write documentation on styles.

low priority

  • Semantic HTML for curator’s code.
  • Polish [caption] shortcode enhancements.
  • Add Location custom field w/ OSM?
  • Singled-out page template for cleaner .html (offline) copies of content.
  • Add style options to Customizer:
    • logo height
    • text colors
    • link colors
  • utilities/delete_deprecated_thumbs.php → seperate plugin

may never happen priority

Plugins to select or write


Some things that “tect” likes

~ a pet project by Heracles Papatheodorou a.k.a Arty2