Used for managing files on S3 or any driver you configure, via the storage manager facade you can easily upload and delete files as necessary.
You can publish and run the migrations with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AscendDigital\StorageManager\StorageManagerServiceProvider" --tag="storage-manager-migrations"
php artisan migrate
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AscendDigital\StorageManager\StorageManagerServiceProvider" --tag="storage-manager-config"
Upload file
$file = StorageManager::uploadFile($file, $tag);
$tag is the directory you want to place it in, can be something like "users/avatars".
FileUpload model is returned if successful, else null is returned.
Delete File
Deletes the file from the database and from S3
The key is stored within the database, simply grab the one you want and use as such.
An example of a key: directory/sub_directory/image.jpg
Extending FileUpload Model
Create a FileUpload model within your Models folder and simply extend the package's model. You may now extend Its functionality.
namespace App\Models;
use AscendDigital\StorageManager\Models\FileUpload as AscendFileUpload;
class FileUpload extends AscendFileUpload
Utilise the following routes to upload and delete files from S3:
Method | URI | Name |
POST | api/utilities/file-upload | |
DELETE | api/utilities/file-upload | api.utilities.file-upload.destroy |
- store takes a file and tag(nullable) to have it uploaded and returned a JSON response.
- destroy takes a key to delete a file and returns a JSON response