An implementation of the two-dimensional Hu-Zhang element in NGSolve with two examples for the TFSRM and QFSRM plate formulations
An example file with the QFSRM formulation of the Reissner-Mindlin plate:
#Import the extension
from ngsolve.fem import CompilePythonModule
from pathlib import Path
txt = Path('mymodule.cpp').read_text()
m = CompilePythonModule(Path('mymodule.cpp'), init_function_name='mymodule')
from ngsolve.meshes import MakeStructured2DMesh
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
# Define the polynomial order p >= 3
order = 3
# Set material constants
t = 1e-5
ks = 5/6
E = 1
nu = 0.3
mu = E / (2*(1+nu))
# Define mesh subdivision
h = 4
# Define the compliance operator
def A(mat):
return 12*(1+nu)/E*(mat-nu/(nu+1)*Trace(mat)*Id(2))
# Define the force
def f0(a):
return a*(a-1)
def f1(a):
return 5 * a ** 2 - 5 * a + 1
def f2(a):
return 2*a - 1
g = 200 * E / (1-nu**2) * ( f0(x)**3*f1(y) + f0(y)**3*f1(x) + f0(x)*f0(y)*f1(x)*f1(y) )
# Build the mesh
mesh = MakeStructured2DMesh(quads=False, nx=h, ny=h)
# Define the finite element spaces
fesL2 = L2(mesh, order=order-1)
fesVL2 = VectorL2(mesh, order=order-1)
fesHsD = m.HDivSymFESpace(mesh, order=order)
fesHd = HDiv(mesh, order=order-1, RT=True)
fes = fesL2*fesVL2*fesHsD*fesHd
# Set the bilinear form
(w, p, M, q), (dw, dp, dM, dq) = fes.TnT()
a = BilinearForm(fes, symmetric=True, symmetric_storage=True, condense=False)
a += (InnerProduct(dM, A(M))
+ InnerProduct(div(dM), p)
+ InnerProduct(dp, div(M))
+ (t**2/(ks*mu))*InnerProduct(dq, q)
- InnerProduct(div(dq), w)
- InnerProduct(dw, div(q))
- InnerProduct(dq, p)
- InnerProduct(dp, q)
# Define the right-hand side
f = LinearForm(fes)
f += (-dw * g)*dx
# Solve the system
sol = GridFunction(fes)
r = sol.vec.CreateVector()
w = sol.vec.CreateVector()
with TaskManager():
inv = a.mat.Inverse(fes.FreeDofs(a.condense), inverse="umfpack")
a.Apply(sol.vec, r) -= f.vec
if a.condense: += a.harmonic_extension_trans * r = inv * r
if a.condense: += a.harmonic_extension * w += a.inner_solve * r -= w
# Get and plot results
gfw,gfp,gfM,gfq = sol.components
Draw(gfw, mesh, "w", deformation=True, order=order)
Draw(gfp, mesh, "p", order=order)
Draw(Norm(gfM), mesh, "M", order=order)
Draw(gfq, mesh, "q", order=order)