An asynchronous ORM for accessing MongoDB in Tornado and asyncio.
(MOngodb + KIt + TOrnado) is an asynchronous toolkit for working with mongodb
inside a tornado
or asyncio
app, like mongokit
PyMongo is the recommended way to work with MongoDB in Python, but isn't asynchronous and not run inside tornado's IOLoop. If you use pymongo you won't take the advantages of tornado.
- conversion of data to the specified type
- support for unstructured data
- dot notation
- control over data presentation
- mapping onto the same document of models with different schemes
- working with
pip install pymomgo tornado motor pytz python-dateutil
pip install mokito
import motor
import mokito
MONGO_URI = 'mongodb://'
MONGO_DB = 'foo'
class BaseDocument(mokito.Document):
__database__ = motor.motor_tornado.MotorClient(MONGO_URI)[MONGO_DB]
class Author(BaseDocument):
scheme = {
'first': str,
'last': str
'age': int,
'mail': str
class Blog(mokito.Model):
scheme = {
class Post(BaseDocument):
__collection__ = 'blog_post'
scheme = {
'blog': Blog,
'post': str,
'author': Author
async def example():
alice = Author({'name': {'first': 'Alice'}, 'mail': ''})
post = Post()
post['blog.title'].value = 'My blob'
post['post'].value = 'My post'
post['author'] = alice
MongoDB in the collection "author" will write this document:
{"_id": ObjectId("..."), "name": {"first": "Alice"}, "mail": ""}
and in the collection "blog_post" will write this document:
{"_id": ObjectId("..."), "blog": {"title": "My blob"}, "post": "My post", "author": DBRef("author", ObjectId("..."))}
Please see the wiki for more examples.