Metapackage to control the eyantra_drone via service and topics
This repository is for controlling the Pluto Drone. You will need the Pluto Drone in order to work with this repository.
Fork this repository and get started. Currently, documentation and comments are missing within the code. You can create a pull request by adding documentation
- Use only the Pluto Drone for this project.
- You must add comments in your code. File level, function level and line level comments are expected wherever necessary
First PR that follows the given rules and completes the given task, is declared the winner at e-Yantra's discretion
Use following instructions on how to use this package:
# libavcodec and libsdl2-dev for camera
sudo apt install libavcodec-dev libsdl2-dev
# Navigate to catkin workspace
# clone repository
git clone
# Build the Package
# launch file to communication with edrone
roslaunch edrone_server drone_comb.launch
# Follow the instruction on terminal to control the drone
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1000, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}" // example of arming drone
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1000, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1000}"
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1600, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1400, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1600, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1400, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1800, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1200, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1800, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1200, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
Note: RC values ranges from 1000 to 2000
Following is the procedure to control multiple drones within the same network:
Setting the drone in client mode: Connect to drone wifi and use following command to open telnet connection:
telnet // drone wifi ip
+++AT MODE 3
+++AT STA ssid password
Add IPs: Start your hotspot and your drone should connect to the hotspot. Note the IP address assigned to it. Edit following lines in DroneSwarm.cpp. Repeat this for all new drones which are added to the network.