This file has been created on 27 Aug 2020.
This project intended to provide a bike share data according to the user specifications, these data are collectd from three cities, washington, chicago, and new york city. iThe user can filter the data to get specific city and time data, the raw data can be shown too!
Before running the python script you need to have the following packages in your comman line, you can install them using pip3
You can run the python script in your command line, as the following:
python Bike_share_sys_project_v2.0
A serise of questions will appear and the data will be shown according to the answers.
chicago.csv new_york_city.csv washington.csv
Absolutely welcomed!
You can write audits, fix bugs, and make this tool more powerful!
There is no coding style yet, so feel free.
Once complete, please file a pull request
with your changes.
The data files were provided by @Udacity