MERIT is a web application designed to collect and store planning, monitoring and reporting data associated with natural resource management projects. It is currently in use by the Australian Government.
- Grails framework 5.x
- Knockout JS
- Bootstap 4
- Clone the repository to your development machine.
- Create local directories:
- The application expects any external configuration file to be located in the path below. An example configuration can be found at:
This configuration file largely specifies URLs to MERIT dependencies. See for information about these. Note that you will need to obtain an ALA API key to use ALA services and a Google Maps API key and specify them in this file.
npm / nodejs are used to run javascript unit tests. There is a dependency on the ecodata-client-plugin for some javascript which is published to github packages which requires an access token to read.
- Install npm and nodejs (see
- Authenticate to github packages using your github username and access token setup for package:read
- Install the node dependencies for MERIT. Note these are currently only used for testing.
npm login --scope=@atlasoflivingaustralia --auth-type=legacy --registry=
npm install
npm install -g karma
- To run the grails unit tests with clover test coverage, use:
./gradlew test -PenableClover=true
- Javascript user tests are run using npm/karma.
npm test
Or, to run the tests in a debugging environment using chrome:
npm run-script debug
Or, directly using karma:
node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js
(if you installed karma globally you won't need the full path)
MERIT depends on a running instance of ecodata and CAS so ensure these dependencies are running and configured correctly in
./gradlew bootRun
To run MERIT with support for hot-reloading of changes to the ecodata-client-plugin, clone the ecodata-client-plugin repository into the same parent folder as the fieldcapture project. Run MERIT with additonal parameters:
./gradlew :bootRun -Pinplace=true
Note the leading colon before the bootRun task - this is required as when inplace=true gradle is configured in a multi-project build configuration.
(This is only relevant to versions of MERIT prior to 3.0. From 3.0, MERIT will look for development config in $HOME/data/) if you getting this error in MacOS
unable to create directory data/fieldcature/ehcache
You can use the file /etc/synthetic.conf to map your old folder to a new virtual folder on the root directory. If the file doesn't exists, just create it with sudo :
sudo nano /etc/synthetic.conf
Add this line in the synthetic.conf
data /User/directory/data/
You must have only one tab character only between data and /User/directory/data/
Note the development configuration assumes MERIT is running on port 8087. This is because is it usually paried with ecodata, which is running on port 8080.