Jinhuang Lin, linjin@seas.upenn.edu
Qianfan Yu, qianfan@seas.upenn.edu
Qixiu Quan, atlasq@seas.upenn.edu
We plan to build a desktop Sudoku application that can random generate sudoku board based on the difficulty selected by the player and suggest next moves as per player’s request.
Jinhuang: GUI development, JUnit test; Qianfan: Development of Sudoku number table, suggestor, input validator , number class; Qixiu: GUI development and Game Logic.
Windows 10
java version "1.8.0_241"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_241-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.241-b07, mixed mode)
In order to run the game, first, we suggest user to setup your local environment as recommened above. And then simply compile and run the .java file:
If successful, the following Game window will pop up. Enjoy the game!
You can use this menu to create a new game with your desired difficulty.
You choose what level of checks you want during the game:
- Check for Complience
This function will help to check if there is any duplicated number in each row, column and box. - Check for Mistake
This function will help to check if there is any mistakes (compare your input and answer) you have made.
By clicking this button, all of the hints and user inputs on the Sudoku table will be erased.
By clicking this button, the game engine will populate 1 answer per click to the cell of you choice. Note that if you created a hint-cell, the value within it cannot be erased by pressing "backspace", "delete" key on your keyboard, or by clicking the Erase button. But you can clear all hints by clicking Clear All button.
The number of remained hint chances is presented in the button text.
By clicking this button, the game engine will simply erase the user input value of the cell of you choice.