Telescope-plugins is a small telescope extension, that lets you list all of your installed packer plugins. You can fuzzy search and select a plugin, to open the github repo in your browser.
This is the first nvim plugin I have made, so expect errors.
- telescope.nvim
- A supported plugin manager
Currently, this only works with packer
use 'AtleSkaanes/telescope-plugins'
When it is installed, you need to bind the extension to telescope
Optionally, you can bind it to a custom keymapping (There is none by default). Here is an example of a remap:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>p', "<Cmd>lua require('telescope').extensions.telescopeplugins.ListPlugins()<CR>", {}))
- Packer support
- Lazy.nvim support
- Plug support
- Dein support