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Atleta Network

The project is built on a frontier templateFRAME-based Substrate node with the Ethereum RPC support.

Build the node

To build the network node execute the following command:

cargo build --release

To execute the devnet validator, run:

./target/release/atleta-node --dev

Build features

To build node with features execute the following:

cargo build --release --features <features_list>

where <features_list> is space or comma separated list of features listed below.

devnet-runtime | testnet-runtime

This feature allows to shorten time intervals for certain runtime periods, such as bonding, voting for example. Useful when running a devnet or testnet, as it allows some logic to run more frequently.

Genesis Configuration

In order to view an EVM account, use the Developer tab of the Polkadot UI Settings app to define the EVM Account type as below:

  "AccountId": "EthereumAccountId",
  "Address": "AccountId",
  "Balance": "u128",
  "RefCount": "u8",
  "LookupSource": "AccountId",
  "Account": {
    "nonce": "U256",
    "balance": "u128"
  "EthTransaction": "LegacyTransaction",
  "DispatchErrorModule": "DispatchErrorModuleU8",
  "EthereumSignature": {
    "r": "H256",
    "s": "H256",
    "v": "U8"
  "ExtrinsicSignature": "EthereumSignature",
  "TxPoolResultContent": {
    "pending": "HashMap<H160, HashMap<U256, PoolTransaction>>",
    "queued": "HashMap<H160, HashMap<U256, PoolTransaction>>"
  "TxPoolResultInspect": {
    "pending": "HashMap<H160, HashMap<U256, Summary>>",
    "queued": "HashMap<H160, HashMap<U256, Summary>>"
  "TxPoolResultStatus": {
    "pending": "U256",
    "queued": "U256"
  "Summary": "Bytes",
  "PoolTransaction": {
    "hash": "H256",
    "nonce": "U256",
    "blockHash": "Option<H256>",
    "blockNumber": "Option<U256>",
    "from": "H160",
    "to": "Option<H160>",
    "value": "U256",
    "gasPrice": "U256",
    "gas": "U256",
    "input": "Bytes"

Use the Developer app's RPC calls tab to query eth > getBalance(address, number) with Alith's EVM account ID (0xf24FF3a9CF04c71Dbc94D0b566f7A27B94566cac); the value that is returned should look something like:

x: eth.getBalance

Further reading: EVM accounts

Other Prefunded Accounts

Running VPP in development mode will pre-fund several well-known addresses that (mostly) contain the letters "th" in their names to remind you that they are for ethereum-compatible usage. These addresses are derived from Substrate's canonical mnemonic: bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk followed by the name of an account (i.e bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk//Alith)

# Alith (sudo):
- Address: 0xf24FF3a9CF04c71Dbc94D0b566f7A27B94566cac
- PrivKey: 0x5fb92d6e98884f76de468fa3f6278f8807c48bebc13595d45af5bdc4da702133

# Baltathar:
- Address: 0x3Cd0A705a2DC65e5b1E1205896BaA2be8A07c6e0
- PrivKey: 0x8075991ce870b93a8870eca0c0f91913d12f47948ca0fd25b49c6fa7cdbeee8b

# Charleth:
- Address: 0x798d4Ba9baf0064Ec19eB4F0a1a45785ae9D6DFc
- PrivKey: 0x0b6e18cafb6ed99687ec547bd28139cafdd2bffe70e6b688025de6b445aa5c5b

# Dorothy:
- Address: 0x773539d4Ac0e786233D90A233654ccEE26a613D9
- PrivKey: 0x39539ab1876910bbf3a223d84a29e28f1cb4e2e456503e7e91ed39b2e7223d68

# Ethan:
- Address: 0xFf64d3F6efE2317EE2807d223a0Bdc4c0c49dfDB
- PrivKey: 0x7dce9bc8babb68fec1409be38c8e1a52650206a7ed90ff956ae8a6d15eeaaef4

# Faith:
- Address: 0xC0F0f4ab324C46e55D02D0033343B4Be8A55532d
- PrivKey: 0xb9d2ea9a615f3165812e8d44de0d24da9bbd164b65c4f0573e1ce2c8dbd9c8df

# Goliath:
- Address: 0x7BF369283338E12C90514468aa3868A551AB2929
- PrivKey: 0x96b8a38e12e1a31dee1eab2fffdf9d9990045f5b37e44d8cc27766ef294acf18

Also, the pre-funded default account for testing purposes is:

# Gerald:
- Address: 0x6Be02d1d3665660d22FF9624b7BE0551ee1Ac91b
- PrivKey: 0x99b3c12287537e38c90a9219d4cb074a89a16e9cdb20bf85728ebd97c343e342

Configuring Ethereum Wallet For Development

The node should run locally in --dev mode.

Then you need to configure the network this way:

  • chain ID is 2340
  • chain name is atleta
  • currency name is Atleta Token
  • currency symbol is ATLA
  • currency decimals is 18
  • RPC URL is http://localhost:9944/ (or change appropriately to where you deploy the node)