This repository is part of the Isilon SDK, which is an evolving package of documents and files. This README describes how to install and configure Python language bindings in order to access the OneFS API on an Isilon cluster from a Python script. You can use the OneFS API to automate the configuration, maintenance, and monitoring of your Isilon cluster.
- For OneFS API reference documents, discussions, and blog posts, refer to the OneFS SDK Info Hub.
- To browse the Isilon InsiqhtIQ statistics API, refer to the Stat Key Browser Github repository.
Isilon SDK - Swagger Open API Specification for OneFS API
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.1
- Build date: 2016-06-03T13:12:58.199-07:00
- Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
You can install the isi_sdk Python library from Github using the pip command.
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import isi_sdk
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
You may need to install the Python Setuptools on your system, if they are not already installed. For instructions, see
Then import the package:
import isi_sdk
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import isi_sdk
import urllib3
# configure username and password
isi_sdk.configuration.username = "userid"
isi_sdk.configuration.password = "pwd"
isi_sdk.configuration.verify_ssl = False
# configure host
host = "https://<ip_address>:8080"
api_client = isi_sdk.ApiClient(host)
protocols_api = isi_sdk.ProtocolsApi(api_client)
# get all exports
nfs_exports = protocols_api.list_nfs_exports()
print "NFS Exports:\n" + str(nfs_exports)
except as e:
print "Exception when calling ProtocolsApi->list_nfs_exports: %s\n" % e
After implementing the steps above, you can write code like the above to interact with the OneFS API. The example above gets all NFS exports.
All URIs are relative to https://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AntivirusApi | create_antivirus_policy | POST /platform/3/antivirus/policies | |
AntivirusApi | create_antivirus_scan_item | POST /platform/3/antivirus/scan | |
AntivirusApi | create_antivirus_server | POST /platform/3/antivirus/servers | |
AntivirusApi | delete_antivirus_policies | DELETE /platform/3/antivirus/policies | |
AntivirusApi | delete_antivirus_policy | DELETE /platform/3/antivirus/policies/{AntivirusPolicyId} | |
AntivirusApi | delete_antivirus_server | DELETE /platform/3/antivirus/servers/{AntivirusServerId} | |
AntivirusApi | delete_antivirus_servers | DELETE /platform/3/antivirus/servers | |
AntivirusApi | delete_reports_scan | DELETE /platform/3/antivirus/reports/scans/{ReportsScanId} | |
AntivirusApi | delete_reports_scans | DELETE /platform/3/antivirus/reports/scans | |
AntivirusApi | get_antivirus_policy | GET /platform/3/antivirus/policies/{AntivirusPolicyId} | |
AntivirusApi | get_antivirus_quarantine_path | GET /platform/3/antivirus/quarantine/{AntivirusQuarantinePath} | |
AntivirusApi | get_antivirus_server | GET /platform/3/antivirus/servers/{AntivirusServerId} | |
AntivirusApi | get_antivirus_settings | GET /platform/3/antivirus/settings | |
AntivirusApi | get_reports_scan | GET /platform/3/antivirus/reports/scans/{ReportsScanId} | |
AntivirusApi | get_reports_scans | GET /platform/3/antivirus/reports/scans | |
AntivirusApi | get_reports_threat | GET /platform/3/antivirus/reports/threats/{ReportsThreatId} | |
AntivirusApi | get_reports_threats | GET /platform/3/antivirus/reports/threats | |
AntivirusApi | list_antivirus_policies | GET /platform/3/antivirus/policies | |
AntivirusApi | list_antivirus_servers | GET /platform/3/antivirus/servers | |
AntivirusApi | update_antivirus_policy | PUT /platform/3/antivirus/policies/{AntivirusPolicyId} | |
AntivirusApi | update_antivirus_quarantine_path | PUT /platform/3/antivirus/quarantine/{AntivirusQuarantinePath} | |
AntivirusApi | update_antivirus_server | PUT /platform/3/antivirus/servers/{AntivirusServerId} | |
AntivirusApi | update_antivirus_settings | PUT /platform/3/antivirus/settings | |
AuditApi | create_audit_topic | POST /platform/1/audit/topics | |
AuditApi | delete_audit_topic | DELETE /platform/1/audit/topics/{AuditTopicId} | |
AuditApi | get_audit_settings | GET /platform/3/audit/settings | |
AuditApi | get_audit_topic | GET /platform/1/audit/topics/{AuditTopicId} | |
AuditApi | get_settings_global | GET /platform/3/audit/settings/global | |
AuditApi | list_audit_topics | GET /platform/1/audit/topics | |
AuditApi | update_audit_settings | PUT /platform/3/audit/settings | |
AuditApi | update_audit_topic | PUT /platform/1/audit/topics/{AuditTopicId} | |
AuditApi | update_settings_global | PUT /platform/3/audit/settings/global | |
AuthApi | create_auth_group | POST /platform/1/auth/groups | |
AuthApi | create_auth_refresh_item | POST /platform/3/auth/refresh | |
AuthApi | create_auth_role | POST /platform/1/auth/roles | |
AuthApi | create_auth_user | POST /platform/1/auth/users | |
AuthApi | create_mapping_identity | POST /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities | |
AuthApi | create_mapping_identity_0 | POST /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities/{MappingIdentityId} | |
AuthApi | create_providers_ads_item | POST /platform/3/auth/providers/ads | |
AuthApi | create_providers_file_item | POST /platform/1/auth/providers/file | |
AuthApi | create_providers_krb5_item | POST /platform/3/auth/providers/krb5 | |
AuthApi | create_providers_ldap_item | POST /platform/3/auth/providers/ldap | |
AuthApi | create_providers_nis_item | POST /platform/3/auth/providers/nis | |
AuthApi | create_settings_krb5_domain | POST /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains | |
AuthApi | create_settings_krb5_realm | POST /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms | |
AuthApi | delete_auth_group | DELETE /platform/1/auth/groups/{AuthGroupId} | |
AuthApi | delete_auth_groups | DELETE /platform/1/auth/groups | |
AuthApi | delete_auth_role | DELETE /platform/1/auth/roles/{AuthRoleId} | |
AuthApi | delete_auth_user | DELETE /platform/1/auth/users/{AuthUserId} | |
AuthApi | delete_auth_users | DELETE /platform/1/auth/users | |
AuthApi | delete_mapping_identities | DELETE /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities | |
AuthApi | delete_mapping_identity | DELETE /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities/{MappingIdentityId} | |
AuthApi | delete_providers_ads_by_id | DELETE /platform/3/auth/providers/ads/{ProvidersAdsId} | |
AuthApi | delete_providers_file_by_id | DELETE /platform/1/auth/providers/file/{ProvidersFileId} | |
AuthApi | delete_providers_krb5_by_id | DELETE /platform/3/auth/providers/krb5/{ProvidersKrb5Id} | |
AuthApi | delete_providers_ldap_by_id | DELETE /platform/3/auth/providers/ldap/{ProvidersLdapId} | |
AuthApi | delete_providers_local_by_id | DELETE /platform/1/auth/providers/local/{ProvidersLocalId} | |
AuthApi | delete_providers_nis_by_id | DELETE /platform/3/auth/providers/nis/{ProvidersNisId} | |
AuthApi | delete_settings_krb5_domain | DELETE /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains/{SettingsKrb5DomainId} | |
AuthApi | delete_settings_krb5_realm | DELETE /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms/{SettingsKrb5RealmId} | |
AuthApi | get_auth_access_user | GET /platform/1/auth/access/{AuthAccessUser} | |
AuthApi | get_auth_group | GET /platform/1/auth/groups/{AuthGroupId} | |
AuthApi | get_auth_id | GET /platform/1/auth/id | |
AuthApi | get_auth_log_level | GET /platform/3/auth/log-level | |
AuthApi | get_auth_netgroup | GET /platform/1/auth/netgroups/{AuthNetgroupId} | |
AuthApi | get_auth_privileges | GET /platform/1/auth/privileges | |
AuthApi | get_auth_role | GET /platform/1/auth/roles/{AuthRoleId} | |
AuthApi | get_auth_shells | GET /platform/1/auth/shells | |
AuthApi | get_auth_user | GET /platform/1/auth/users/{AuthUserId} | |
AuthApi | get_auth_wellknown | GET /platform/1/auth/wellknowns/{AuthWellknownId} | |
AuthApi | get_auth_wellknowns | GET /platform/1/auth/wellknowns | |
AuthApi | get_mapping_dump | GET /platform/3/auth/mapping/dump | |
AuthApi | get_mapping_identity | GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/identities/{MappingIdentityId} | |
AuthApi | get_mapping_users_lookup | GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/users/lookup | |
AuthApi | get_mapping_users_rules | GET /platform/1/auth/mapping/users/rules | |
AuthApi | get_providers_ads_by_id | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/ads/{ProvidersAdsId} | |
AuthApi | get_providers_file_by_id | GET /platform/1/auth/providers/file/{ProvidersFileId} | |
AuthApi | get_providers_krb5_by_id | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/krb5/{ProvidersKrb5Id} | |
AuthApi | get_providers_ldap_by_id | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/ldap/{ProvidersLdapId} | |
AuthApi | get_providers_local | GET /platform/1/auth/providers/local | |
AuthApi | get_providers_local_by_id | GET /platform/1/auth/providers/local/{ProvidersLocalId} | |
AuthApi | get_providers_nis_by_id | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/nis/{ProvidersNisId} | |
AuthApi | get_providers_summary | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/summary | |
AuthApi | get_settings_acls | GET /platform/3/auth/settings/acls | |
AuthApi | get_settings_global | GET /platform/1/auth/settings/global | |
AuthApi | get_settings_krb5_defaults | GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/defaults | |
AuthApi | get_settings_krb5_domain | GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains/{SettingsKrb5DomainId} | |
AuthApi | get_settings_krb5_realm | GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms/{SettingsKrb5RealmId} | |
AuthApi | get_settings_mapping | GET /platform/1/auth/settings/mapping | |
AuthApi | list_auth_groups | GET /platform/1/auth/groups | |
AuthApi | list_auth_roles | GET /platform/1/auth/roles | |
AuthApi | list_auth_users | GET /platform/1/auth/users | |
AuthApi | list_providers_ads | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/ads | |
AuthApi | list_providers_file | GET /platform/1/auth/providers/file | |
AuthApi | list_providers_krb5 | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/krb5 | |
AuthApi | list_providers_ldap | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/ldap | |
AuthApi | list_providers_nis | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/nis | |
AuthApi | list_settings_krb5_domains | GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains | |
AuthApi | list_settings_krb5_realms | GET /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms | |
AuthApi | update_auth_group | PUT /platform/1/auth/groups/{AuthGroupId} | |
AuthApi | update_auth_log_level | PUT /platform/3/auth/log-level | |
AuthApi | update_auth_role | PUT /platform/1/auth/roles/{AuthRoleId} | |
AuthApi | update_auth_user | PUT /platform/1/auth/users/{AuthUserId} | |
AuthApi | update_mapping_import | PUT /platform/3/auth/mapping/import | |
AuthApi | update_mapping_users_rules | PUT /platform/1/auth/mapping/users/rules | |
AuthApi | update_providers_ads_by_id | PUT /platform/3/auth/providers/ads/{ProvidersAdsId} | |
AuthApi | update_providers_file_by_id | PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/file/{ProvidersFileId} | |
AuthApi | update_providers_krb5_by_id | PUT /platform/3/auth/providers/krb5/{ProvidersKrb5Id} | |
AuthApi | update_providers_ldap_by_id | PUT /platform/3/auth/providers/ldap/{ProvidersLdapId} | |
AuthApi | update_providers_local_by_id | PUT /platform/1/auth/providers/local/{ProvidersLocalId} | |
AuthApi | update_providers_nis_by_id | PUT /platform/3/auth/providers/nis/{ProvidersNisId} | |
AuthApi | update_settings_acls | PUT /platform/3/auth/settings/acls | |
AuthApi | update_settings_global | PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/global | |
AuthApi | update_settings_krb5_defaults | PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/defaults | |
AuthApi | update_settings_krb5_domain | PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains/{SettingsKrb5DomainId} | |
AuthApi | update_settings_krb5_realm | PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms/{SettingsKrb5RealmId} | |
AuthApi | update_settings_mapping | PUT /platform/1/auth/settings/mapping | |
AuthGroupsApi | create_group_member | POST /platform/1/auth/groups/{Group}/members | |
AuthGroupsApi | delete_group_member | DELETE /platform/1/auth/groups/{Group}/members/{GroupMemberId} | |
AuthGroupsApi | list_group_members | GET /platform/1/auth/groups/{Group}/members | |
AuthProvidersApi | get_ads_provider_controllers | GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/{Id}/controllers | |
AuthProvidersApi | get_ads_provider_domain | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/ads/{Id}/domains/{AdsProviderDomainId} | |
AuthProvidersApi | get_ads_provider_domains | GET /platform/3/auth/providers/ads/{Id}/domains | |
AuthProvidersApi | get_ads_provider_search | GET /platform/1/auth/providers/ads/{Id}/search | |
AuthRolesApi | create_role_member | POST /platform/1/auth/roles/{Role}/members | |
AuthRolesApi | create_role_privilege | POST /platform/1/auth/roles/{Role}/privileges | |
AuthRolesApi | delete_role_member | DELETE /platform/1/auth/roles/{Role}/members/{RoleMemberId} | |
AuthRolesApi | delete_role_privilege | DELETE /platform/1/auth/roles/{Role}/privileges/{RolePrivilegeId} | |
AuthRolesApi | list_role_members | GET /platform/1/auth/roles/{Role}/members | |
AuthRolesApi | list_role_privileges | GET /platform/1/auth/roles/{Role}/privileges | |
AuthUsersApi | create_user_member_of_item | POST /platform/3/auth/users/{User}/member-of | |
AuthUsersApi | delete_user_member_of_member_of | DELETE /platform/3/auth/users/{User}/member-of/{UserMemberOfMemberOf} | |
AuthUsersApi | list_user_member_of | GET /platform/3/auth/users/{User}/member-of | |
AuthUsersApi | update_user_change_password | PUT /platform/3/auth/users/{User}/change-password | |
CloudApi | create_cloud_access_item | POST /platform/3/cloud/access | |
CloudApi | create_cloud_account | POST /platform/3/cloud/accounts | |
CloudApi | create_cloud_job | POST /platform/3/cloud/jobs | |
CloudApi | create_cloud_pool | POST /platform/3/cloud/pools | |
CloudApi | create_settings_encryption_key_item | POST /platform/3/cloud/settings/encryption-key | |
CloudApi | create_settings_reporting_eula_item | POST /platform/3/cloud/settings/reporting-eula | |
CloudApi | delete_cloud_access_guid | DELETE /platform/3/cloud/access/{CloudAccessGuid} | |
CloudApi | delete_cloud_account | DELETE /platform/3/cloud/accounts/{CloudAccountId} | |
CloudApi | delete_cloud_pool | DELETE /platform/3/cloud/pools/{CloudPoolId} | |
CloudApi | delete_settings_reporting_eula | DELETE /platform/3/cloud/settings/reporting-eula | |
CloudApi | get_cloud_access_guid | GET /platform/3/cloud/access/{CloudAccessGuid} | |
CloudApi | get_cloud_account | GET /platform/3/cloud/accounts/{CloudAccountId} | |
CloudApi | get_cloud_job | GET /platform/3/cloud/jobs/{CloudJobId} | |
CloudApi | get_cloud_jobs_file | GET /platform/3/cloud/jobs-files/{CloudJobsFileId} | |
CloudApi | get_cloud_pool | GET /platform/3/cloud/pools/{CloudPoolId} | |
CloudApi | get_cloud_settings | GET /platform/3/cloud/settings | |
CloudApi | list_cloud_access | GET /platform/3/cloud/access | |
CloudApi | list_cloud_accounts | GET /platform/3/cloud/accounts | |
CloudApi | list_cloud_jobs | GET /platform/3/cloud/jobs | |
CloudApi | list_cloud_pools | GET /platform/3/cloud/pools | |
CloudApi | list_settings_reporting_eula | GET /platform/3/cloud/settings/reporting-eula | |
CloudApi | update_cloud_account | PUT /platform/3/cloud/accounts/{CloudAccountId} | |
CloudApi | update_cloud_job | PUT /platform/3/cloud/jobs/{CloudJobId} | |
CloudApi | update_cloud_pool | PUT /platform/3/cloud/pools/{CloudPoolId} | |
CloudApi | update_cloud_settings | PUT /platform/3/cloud/settings | |
ClusterApi | create_cluster_add_node_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/add-node | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_config | GET /platform/3/cluster/config | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_email | GET /platform/1/cluster/email | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_identity | GET /platform/3/cluster/identity | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_node | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{ClusterNodeId} | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_nodes | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_nodes_available | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes-available | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_owner | GET /platform/1/cluster/owner | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_statfs | GET /platform/1/cluster/statfs | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_time | GET /platform/3/cluster/time | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_timezone | GET /platform/3/cluster/timezone | |
ClusterApi | get_cluster_version | GET /platform/3/cluster/version | |
ClusterApi | get_timezone_region | GET /platform/3/cluster/timezone/regions/{TimezoneRegionId} | |
ClusterApi | get_timezone_settings | GET /platform/3/cluster/timezone/settings | |
ClusterApi | update_cluster_email | PUT /platform/1/cluster/email | |
ClusterApi | update_cluster_identity | PUT /platform/3/cluster/identity | |
ClusterApi | update_cluster_node | PUT /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{ClusterNodeId} | |
ClusterApi | update_cluster_owner | PUT /platform/1/cluster/owner | |
ClusterApi | update_cluster_time | PUT /platform/3/cluster/time | |
ClusterApi | update_cluster_timezone | PUT /platform/3/cluster/timezone | |
ClusterApi | update_timezone_settings | PUT /platform/3/cluster/timezone/settings | |
ClusterNodesApi | create_drives_drive_add_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{Driveid}/add | |
ClusterNodesApi | create_drives_drive_firmware_update_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{Driveid}/firmware/update | |
ClusterNodesApi | create_drives_drive_format_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{Driveid}/format | |
ClusterNodesApi | create_drives_drive_purpose_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{Driveid}/purpose | |
ClusterNodesApi | create_drives_drive_smartfail_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{Driveid}/smartfail | |
ClusterNodesApi | create_drives_drive_stopfail_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{Driveid}/stopfail | |
ClusterNodesApi | create_drives_drive_suspend_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{Driveid}/suspend | |
ClusterNodesApi | create_node_reboot_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/reboot | |
ClusterNodesApi | create_node_shutdown_item | POST /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/shutdown | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_drives_drive_firmware | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{Driveid}/firmware | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_drive | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{NodeDriveId} | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_drives | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_drives_purposelist | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives-purposelist | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_hardware | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/hardware | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_partitions | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/partitions | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_sensors | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/sensors | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_state | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/state | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_state_readonly | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/state/readonly | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_state_servicelight | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/state/servicelight | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_state_smartfail | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/state/smartfail | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_status | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/status | |
ClusterNodesApi | get_node_status_batterystatus | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/status/batterystatus | |
ClusterNodesApi | list_drives_drive_firmware_update | GET /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/drives/{Driveid}/firmware/update | |
ClusterNodesApi | update_node_state_readonly | PUT /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/state/readonly | |
ClusterNodesApi | update_node_state_servicelight | PUT /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/state/servicelight | |
ClusterNodesApi | update_node_state_smartfail | PUT /platform/3/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/state/smartfail | |
DebugApi | delete_debug_stats | DELETE /platform/1/debug/stats | |
DebugApi | get_debug_stats | GET /platform/1/debug/stats | |
DedupeApi | get_dedupe_dedupe_summary | GET /platform/1/dedupe/dedupe-summary | |
DedupeApi | get_dedupe_report | GET /platform/1/dedupe/reports/{DedupeReportId} | |
DedupeApi | get_dedupe_reports | GET /platform/1/dedupe/reports | |
DedupeApi | get_dedupe_settings | GET /platform/1/dedupe/settings | |
DedupeApi | update_dedupe_settings | PUT /platform/1/dedupe/settings | |
EventApi | create_event_alert_condition | POST /platform/3/event/alert-conditions | |
EventApi | create_event_channel | POST /platform/3/event/channels | |
EventApi | create_event_event | POST /platform/3/event/events | |
EventApi | delete_event_alert_condition | DELETE /platform/3/event/alert-conditions/{EventAlertConditionId} | |
EventApi | delete_event_alert_conditions | DELETE /platform/3/event/alert-conditions | |
EventApi | delete_event_channel | DELETE /platform/3/event/channels/{EventChannelId} | |
EventApi | get_event_alert_condition | GET /platform/3/event/alert-conditions/{EventAlertConditionId} | |
EventApi | get_event_categories | GET /platform/3/event/categories | |
EventApi | get_event_category | GET /platform/3/event/categories/{EventCategoryId} | |
EventApi | get_event_channel | GET /platform/3/event/channels/{EventChannelId} | |
EventApi | get_event_eventgroup_definition | GET /platform/3/event/eventgroup-definitions/{EventEventgroupDefinitionId} | |
EventApi | get_event_eventgroup_definitions | GET /platform/3/event/eventgroup-definitions | |
EventApi | get_event_eventgroup_occurrence | GET /platform/3/event/eventgroup-occurrences/{EventEventgroupOccurrenceId} | |
EventApi | get_event_eventgroup_occurrences | GET /platform/3/event/eventgroup-occurrences | |
EventApi | get_event_eventlist | GET /platform/3/event/eventlists/{EventEventlistId} | |
EventApi | get_event_eventlists | GET /platform/3/event/eventlists | |
EventApi | get_event_settings | GET /platform/3/event/settings | |
EventApi | list_event_alert_conditions | GET /platform/3/event/alert-conditions | |
EventApi | list_event_channels | GET /platform/3/event/channels | |
EventApi | update_event_alert_condition | PUT /platform/3/event/alert-conditions/{EventAlertConditionId} | |
EventApi | update_event_channel | PUT /platform/3/event/channels/{EventChannelId} | |
EventApi | update_event_eventgroup_occurrence | PUT /platform/3/event/eventgroup-occurrences/{EventEventgroupOccurrenceId} | |
EventApi | update_event_eventgroup_occurrences | PUT /platform/3/event/eventgroup-occurrences | |
EventApi | update_event_settings | PUT /platform/3/event/settings | |
FileFilterApi | get_file_filter_settings | GET /platform/3/file-filter/settings | |
FileFilterApi | update_file_filter_settings | PUT /platform/3/file-filter/settings | |
FilepoolApi | create_filepool_policy | POST /platform/1/filepool/policies | |
FilepoolApi | delete_filepool_policy | DELETE /platform/1/filepool/policies/{FilepoolPolicyId} | |
FilepoolApi | get_filepool_default_policy | GET /platform/1/filepool/default-policy | |
FilepoolApi | get_filepool_policy | GET /platform/1/filepool/policies/{FilepoolPolicyId} | |
FilepoolApi | get_filepool_template | GET /platform/1/filepool/templates/{FilepoolTemplateId} | |
FilepoolApi | get_filepool_templates | GET /platform/1/filepool/templates | |
FilepoolApi | list_filepool_policies | GET /platform/1/filepool/policies | |
FilepoolApi | update_filepool_default_policy | PUT /platform/1/filepool/default-policy | |
FilepoolApi | update_filepool_policy | PUT /platform/1/filepool/policies/{FilepoolPolicyId} | |
FilesystemApi | get_settings_access_time | GET /platform/1/filesystem/settings/access-time | |
FilesystemApi | update_settings_access_time | PUT /platform/1/filesystem/settings/access-time | |
FsaApi | delete_fsa_result | DELETE /platform/3/fsa/results/{FsaResultId} | |
FsaApi | delete_fsa_settings | DELETE /platform/1/fsa/settings | |
FsaApi | get_fsa_result | GET /platform/3/fsa/results/{FsaResultId} | |
FsaApi | get_fsa_results | GET /platform/3/fsa/results | |
FsaApi | get_fsa_settings | GET /platform/1/fsa/settings | |
FsaApi | update_fsa_result | PUT /platform/3/fsa/results/{FsaResultId} | |
FsaApi | update_fsa_settings | PUT /platform/1/fsa/settings | |
FsaResultsApi | get_result_histogram | GET /platform/3/fsa/results/{Id}/histogram | |
FsaResultsApi | get_result_histogram_stat | GET /platform/3/fsa/results/{Id}/histogram/{ResultHistogramStat} | |
FsaResultsApi | get_result_top_dir | GET /platform/3/fsa/results/{Id}/top-dirs/{ResultTopDirId} | |
FsaResultsApi | get_result_top_dirs | GET /platform/3/fsa/results/{Id}/top-dirs | |
FsaResultsApi | get_result_top_file | GET /platform/3/fsa/results/{Id}/top-files/{ResultTopFileId} | |
FsaResultsApi | get_result_top_files | GET /platform/3/fsa/results/{Id}/top-files | |
HardeningApi | create_hardening_apply_item | POST /platform/3/hardening/apply | |
HardeningApi | create_hardening_resolve_item | POST /platform/3/hardening/resolve | |
HardeningApi | create_hardening_revert_item | POST /platform/3/hardening/revert | |
HardeningApi | get_hardening_state | GET /platform/3/hardening/state | |
HardeningApi | get_hardening_status | GET /platform/3/hardening/status | |
HardwareApi | create_hardware_tape_name | POST /platform/3/hardware/tape/{HardwareTapeName} | |
HardwareApi | delete_hardware_tape_name | DELETE /platform/3/hardware/tape/{HardwareTapeName} | |
HardwareApi | get_hardware_fcport | GET /platform/3/hardware/fcports/{HardwareFcportId} | |
HardwareApi | get_hardware_tapes | GET /platform/3/hardware/tapes | |
HardwareApi | update_hardware_fcport | PUT /platform/3/hardware/fcports/{HardwareFcportId} | |
HardwareApi | update_hardware_tape_name | PUT /platform/3/hardware/tape/{HardwareTapeName} | |
JobApi | create_job_job | POST /platform/3/job/jobs | |
JobApi | create_job_policy | POST /platform/1/job/policies | |
JobApi | delete_job_policy | DELETE /platform/1/job/policies/{JobPolicyId} | |
JobApi | get_job_events | GET /platform/3/job/events | |
JobApi | get_job_job | GET /platform/3/job/jobs/{JobJobId} | |
JobApi | get_job_job_summary | GET /platform/1/job/job-summary | |
JobApi | get_job_policy | GET /platform/1/job/policies/{JobPolicyId} | |
JobApi | get_job_recent | GET /platform/3/job/recent | |
JobApi | get_job_reports | GET /platform/3/job/reports | |
JobApi | get_job_statistics | GET /platform/1/job/statistics | |
JobApi | get_job_type | GET /platform/1/job/types/{JobTypeId} | |
JobApi | get_job_types | GET /platform/1/job/types | |
JobApi | list_job_jobs | GET /platform/3/job/jobs | |
JobApi | list_job_policies | GET /platform/1/job/policies | |
JobApi | update_job_job | PUT /platform/3/job/jobs/{JobJobId} | |
JobApi | update_job_policy | PUT /platform/1/job/policies/{JobPolicyId} | |
JobApi | update_job_type | PUT /platform/1/job/types/{JobTypeId} | |
LicenseApi | create_license_license | POST /platform/1/license/licenses | |
LicenseApi | get_license_license | GET /platform/1/license/licenses/{LicenseLicenseId} | |
LicenseApi | list_license_licenses | GET /platform/1/license/licenses | |
LocalApi | get_cluster_time | GET /platform/3/local/cluster/time | |
NetworkApi | create_dnscache_flush_item | POST /platform/3/network/dnscache/flush | |
NetworkApi | create_network_groupnet | POST /platform/3/network/groupnets | |
NetworkApi | create_network_sc_rebalance_all_item | POST /platform/3/network/sc-rebalance-all | |
NetworkApi | delete_network_groupnet | DELETE /platform/3/network/groupnets/{NetworkGroupnetId} | |
NetworkApi | get_network_dnscache | GET /platform/3/network/dnscache | |
NetworkApi | get_network_external | GET /platform/3/network/external | |
NetworkApi | get_network_groupnet | GET /platform/3/network/groupnets/{NetworkGroupnetId} | |
NetworkApi | get_network_interfaces | GET /platform/3/network/interfaces | |
NetworkApi | get_network_pools | GET /platform/3/network/pools | |
NetworkApi | get_network_rules | GET /platform/3/network/rules | |
NetworkApi | get_network_subnets | GET /platform/3/network/subnets | |
NetworkApi | list_network_groupnets | GET /platform/3/network/groupnets | |
NetworkApi | update_network_dnscache | PUT /platform/3/network/dnscache | |
NetworkApi | update_network_external | PUT /platform/3/network/external | |
NetworkApi | update_network_groupnet | PUT /platform/3/network/groupnets/{NetworkGroupnetId} | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | create_groupnet_subnet | POST /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | create_subnets_subnet_pool | POST /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | delete_groupnet_subnet | DELETE /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{GroupnetSubnetId} | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | delete_subnets_subnet_pool | DELETE /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{SubnetsSubnetPoolId} | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | get_groupnet_subnet | GET /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{GroupnetSubnetId} | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | get_subnets_subnet_pool | GET /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{SubnetsSubnetPoolId} | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | list_groupnet_subnets | GET /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | list_subnets_subnet_pools | GET /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | update_groupnet_subnet | PUT /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{GroupnetSubnetId} | |
NetworkGroupnetsApi | update_subnets_subnet_pool | PUT /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{SubnetsSubnetPoolId} | |
NetworkGroupnetsSubnetsApi | create_pools_pool_rebalance_ip | POST /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{Pool}/rebalance-ips | |
NetworkGroupnetsSubnetsApi | create_pools_pool_rule | POST /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{Pool}/rules | |
NetworkGroupnetsSubnetsApi | create_pools_pool_sc_resume_node | POST /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{Pool}/sc-resume-nodes | |
NetworkGroupnetsSubnetsApi | create_pools_pool_sc_suspend_node | POST /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{Pool}/sc-suspend-nodes | |
NetworkGroupnetsSubnetsApi | delete_pools_pool_rule | DELETE /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{Pool}/rules/{PoolsPoolRuleId} | |
NetworkGroupnetsSubnetsApi | get_pools_pool_interfaces | GET /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{Pool}/interfaces | |
NetworkGroupnetsSubnetsApi | get_pools_pool_rule | GET /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{Pool}/rules/{PoolsPoolRuleId} | |
NetworkGroupnetsSubnetsApi | list_pools_pool_rules | GET /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{Pool}/rules | |
NetworkGroupnetsSubnetsApi | update_pools_pool_rule | PUT /platform/3/network/groupnets/{Groupnet}/subnets/{Subnet}/pools/{Pool}/rules/{PoolsPoolRuleId} | |
ProtocolsApi | create_hdfs_proxyuser | POST /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers | |
ProtocolsApi | create_hdfs_rack | POST /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks | |
ProtocolsApi | create_ndmp_user | POST /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/users | |
ProtocolsApi | create_nfs_aliase | POST /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases | |
ProtocolsApi | create_nfs_export | POST /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports | |
ProtocolsApi | create_nfs_netgroup_check_item | POST /platform/3/protocols/nfs/netgroup/check | |
ProtocolsApi | create_nfs_netgroup_flush_item | POST /platform/3/protocols/nfs/netgroup/flush | |
ProtocolsApi | create_nfs_nlm_sessions_check_item | POST /platform/3/protocols/nfs/nlm/sessions-check | |
ProtocolsApi | create_nfs_reload_item | POST /platform/3/protocols/nfs/reload | |
ProtocolsApi | create_ntp_server | POST /platform/3/protocols/ntp/servers | |
ProtocolsApi | create_smb_log_level_filter | POST /platform/3/protocols/smb/log-level/filters | |
ProtocolsApi | create_smb_share | POST /platform/3/protocols/smb/shares | |
ProtocolsApi | create_swift_account | POST /platform/3/protocols/swift/accounts | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_hdfs_proxyuser | DELETE /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/{HdfsProxyuserId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_hdfs_rack | DELETE /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks/{HdfsRackId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_ndmp_user | DELETE /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/users/{NdmpUserId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_nfs_aliase | DELETE /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases/{NfsAliaseId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_nfs_export | DELETE /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports/{NfsExportId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_nfs_nlm_session | DELETE /platform/3/protocols/nfs/nlm/sessions/{NfsNlmSessionId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_ntp_server | DELETE /platform/3/protocols/ntp/servers/{NtpServerId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_ntp_servers | DELETE /platform/3/protocols/ntp/servers | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_smb_log_level_filter | DELETE /platform/3/protocols/smb/log-level/filters/{SmbLogLevelFilterId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_smb_log_level_filters | DELETE /platform/3/protocols/smb/log-level/filters | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_smb_openfile | DELETE /platform/1/protocols/smb/openfiles/{SmbOpenfileId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_smb_session | DELETE /platform/1/protocols/smb/sessions/{SmbSessionId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_smb_sessions_computer_user | DELETE /platform/1/protocols/smb/sessions/{Computer}/{SmbSessionsComputerUser} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_smb_share | DELETE /platform/3/protocols/smb/shares/{SmbShareId} | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_smb_shares | DELETE /platform/3/protocols/smb/shares | |
ProtocolsApi | delete_swift_account | DELETE /platform/3/protocols/swift/accounts/{SwiftAccountId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_ftp_settings | GET /platform/3/protocols/ftp/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | get_hdfs_log_level | GET /platform/3/protocols/hdfs/log-level | |
ProtocolsApi | get_hdfs_proxyuser | GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/{HdfsProxyuserId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_hdfs_rack | GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks/{HdfsRackId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_hdfs_settings | GET /platform/3/protocols/hdfs/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | get_http_settings | GET /platform/3/protocols/http/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | get_ndmp_contexts_bre | GET /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/contexts/bre | |
ProtocolsApi | get_ndmp_diagnostics | GET /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/diagnostics | |
ProtocolsApi | get_ndmp_logs | GET /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/logs | |
ProtocolsApi | get_ndmp_sessions | GET /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/sessions | |
ProtocolsApi | get_ndmp_settings_global | GET /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/settings/global | |
ProtocolsApi | get_ndmp_user | GET /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/users/{NdmpUserId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_aliase | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases/{NfsAliaseId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_check | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/check | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_export | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports/{NfsExportId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_exports_summary | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports-summary | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_log_level | GET /platform/3/protocols/nfs/log-level | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_netgroup | GET /platform/3/protocols/nfs/netgroup | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_nlm_locks | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/locks | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_nlm_session | GET /platform/3/protocols/nfs/nlm/sessions/{NfsNlmSessionId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_nlm_sessions | GET /platform/3/protocols/nfs/nlm/sessions | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_nlm_waiters | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/nlm/waiters | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_settings_export | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/export | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_settings_global | GET /platform/3/protocols/nfs/settings/global | |
ProtocolsApi | get_nfs_settings_zone | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/zone | |
ProtocolsApi | get_ntp_server | GET /platform/3/protocols/ntp/servers/{NtpServerId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_ntp_settings | GET /platform/3/protocols/ntp/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | get_smb_log_level | GET /platform/3/protocols/smb/log-level | |
ProtocolsApi | get_smb_log_level_filter | GET /platform/3/protocols/smb/log-level/filters/{SmbLogLevelFilterId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_smb_openfiles | GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/openfiles | |
ProtocolsApi | get_smb_sessions | GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/sessions | |
ProtocolsApi | get_smb_settings_global | GET /platform/3/protocols/smb/settings/global | |
ProtocolsApi | get_smb_settings_share | GET /platform/3/protocols/smb/settings/share | |
ProtocolsApi | get_smb_share | GET /platform/3/protocols/smb/shares/{SmbShareId} | |
ProtocolsApi | get_smb_shares_summary | GET /platform/1/protocols/smb/shares-summary | |
ProtocolsApi | get_snmp_settings | GET /platform/3/protocols/snmp/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | get_swift_account | GET /platform/3/protocols/swift/accounts/{SwiftAccountId} | |
ProtocolsApi | list_hdfs_proxyusers | GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers | |
ProtocolsApi | list_hdfs_racks | GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks | |
ProtocolsApi | list_ndmp_users | GET /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/users | |
ProtocolsApi | list_nfs_aliases | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases | |
ProtocolsApi | list_nfs_exports | GET /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports | |
ProtocolsApi | list_ntp_servers | GET /platform/3/protocols/ntp/servers | |
ProtocolsApi | list_smb_log_level_filters | GET /platform/3/protocols/smb/log-level/filters | |
ProtocolsApi | list_smb_shares | GET /platform/3/protocols/smb/shares | |
ProtocolsApi | list_swift_accounts | GET /platform/3/protocols/swift/accounts | |
ProtocolsApi | update_ftp_settings | PUT /platform/3/protocols/ftp/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | update_hdfs_log_level | PUT /platform/3/protocols/hdfs/log-level | |
ProtocolsApi | update_hdfs_proxyuser | PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/{HdfsProxyuserId} | |
ProtocolsApi | update_hdfs_rack | PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks/{HdfsRackId} | |
ProtocolsApi | update_hdfs_settings | PUT /platform/3/protocols/hdfs/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | update_http_settings | PUT /platform/3/protocols/http/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | update_ndmp_diagnostics | PUT /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/diagnostics | |
ProtocolsApi | update_ndmp_settings_global | PUT /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/settings/global | |
ProtocolsApi | update_ndmp_user | PUT /platform/3/protocols/ndmp/users/{NdmpUserId} | |
ProtocolsApi | update_nfs_aliase | PUT /platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases/{NfsAliaseId} | |
ProtocolsApi | update_nfs_export | PUT /platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports/{NfsExportId} | |
ProtocolsApi | update_nfs_log_level | PUT /platform/3/protocols/nfs/log-level | |
ProtocolsApi | update_nfs_netgroup | PUT /platform/3/protocols/nfs/netgroup | |
ProtocolsApi | update_nfs_settings_export | PUT /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/export | |
ProtocolsApi | update_nfs_settings_global | PUT /platform/3/protocols/nfs/settings/global | |
ProtocolsApi | update_nfs_settings_zone | PUT /platform/2/protocols/nfs/settings/zone | |
ProtocolsApi | update_ntp_server | PUT /platform/3/protocols/ntp/servers/{NtpServerId} | |
ProtocolsApi | update_ntp_settings | PUT /platform/3/protocols/ntp/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | update_smb_log_level | PUT /platform/3/protocols/smb/log-level | |
ProtocolsApi | update_smb_settings_global | PUT /platform/3/protocols/smb/settings/global | |
ProtocolsApi | update_smb_settings_share | PUT /platform/3/protocols/smb/settings/share | |
ProtocolsApi | update_smb_share | PUT /platform/3/protocols/smb/shares/{SmbShareId} | |
ProtocolsApi | update_snmp_settings | PUT /platform/3/protocols/snmp/settings | |
ProtocolsApi | update_swift_account | PUT /platform/3/protocols/swift/accounts/{SwiftAccountId} | |
ProtocolsHdfsApi | create_proxyusers_name_member | POST /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/{Name}/members | |
ProtocolsHdfsApi | delete_proxyusers_name_member | DELETE /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/{Name}/members/{ProxyusersNameMemberId} | |
ProtocolsHdfsApi | list_proxyusers_name_members | GET /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/{Name}/members | |
ProtocolsHdfsApi | update_proxyusers_name_member | PUT /platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/{Name}/members/{ProxyusersNameMemberId} | |
QuotaApi | create_quota_quota | POST /platform/1/quota/quotas | |
QuotaApi | create_quota_report | POST /platform/1/quota/reports | |
QuotaApi | create_settings_mapping | POST /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings | |
QuotaApi | create_settings_notification | POST /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications | |
QuotaApi | delete_quota_quota | DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas/{QuotaQuotaId} | |
QuotaApi | delete_quota_quotas | DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas | |
QuotaApi | delete_quota_report | DELETE /platform/1/quota/reports/{QuotaReportId} | |
QuotaApi | delete_settings_mapping | DELETE /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings/{SettingsMappingId} | |
QuotaApi | delete_settings_mappings | DELETE /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings | |
QuotaApi | delete_settings_notification | DELETE /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications/{SettingsNotificationId} | |
QuotaApi | delete_settings_notifications | DELETE /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications | |
QuotaApi | get_quota_license | GET /platform/1/quota/license | |
QuotaApi | get_quota_quota | GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/{QuotaQuotaId} | |
QuotaApi | get_quota_quotas_summary | GET /platform/1/quota/quotas-summary | |
QuotaApi | get_quota_report | GET /platform/1/quota/reports/{QuotaReportId} | |
QuotaApi | get_settings_mapping | GET /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings/{SettingsMappingId} | |
QuotaApi | get_settings_notification | GET /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications/{SettingsNotificationId} | |
QuotaApi | get_settings_reports | GET /platform/1/quota/settings/reports | |
QuotaApi | list_quota_quotas | GET /platform/1/quota/quotas | |
QuotaApi | list_quota_reports | GET /platform/1/quota/reports | |
QuotaApi | list_settings_mappings | GET /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings | |
QuotaApi | list_settings_notifications | GET /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications | |
QuotaApi | update_quota_quota | PUT /platform/1/quota/quotas/{QuotaQuotaId} | |
QuotaApi | update_settings_mapping | PUT /platform/1/quota/settings/mappings/{SettingsMappingId} | |
QuotaApi | update_settings_notification | PUT /platform/1/quota/settings/notifications/{SettingsNotificationId} | |
QuotaApi | update_settings_reports | PUT /platform/1/quota/settings/reports | |
QuotaQuotasApi | create_quota_notification | POST /platform/1/quota/quotas/{Qid}/notifications | |
QuotaQuotasApi | delete_quota_notification | DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas/{Qid}/notifications/{QuotaNotificationId} | |
QuotaQuotasApi | delete_quota_notifications | DELETE /platform/1/quota/quotas/{Qid}/notifications | |
QuotaQuotasApi | get_quota_notification | GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/{Qid}/notifications/{QuotaNotificationId} | |
QuotaQuotasApi | list_quota_notifications | GET /platform/1/quota/quotas/{Qid}/notifications | |
QuotaQuotasApi | update_quota_notification | PUT /platform/1/quota/quotas/{Qid}/notifications/{QuotaNotificationId} | |
QuotaQuotasApi | update_quota_notifications | PUT /platform/1/quota/quotas/{Qid}/notifications | |
QuotaReportsApi | get_report_about | GET /platform/1/quota/reports/{Rid}/about | |
RemotesupportApi | get_remotesupport_connectemc | GET /platform/1/remotesupport/connectemc | |
RemotesupportApi | update_remotesupport_connectemc | PUT /platform/1/remotesupport/connectemc | |
SnapshotApi | create_snapshot_aliase | POST /platform/1/snapshot/aliases | |
SnapshotApi | create_snapshot_changelist | POST /platform/1/snapshot/changelists | |
SnapshotApi | create_snapshot_repstate | POST /platform/1/snapshot/repstates | |
SnapshotApi | create_snapshot_schedule | POST /platform/3/snapshot/schedules | |
SnapshotApi | create_snapshot_snapshot | POST /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots | |
SnapshotApi | delete_snapshot_aliase | DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/aliases/{SnapshotAliaseId} | |
SnapshotApi | delete_snapshot_aliases | DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/aliases | |
SnapshotApi | delete_snapshot_changelist | DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/{SnapshotChangelistId} | |
SnapshotApi | delete_snapshot_repstate | DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/repstates/{SnapshotRepstateId} | |
SnapshotApi | delete_snapshot_schedule | DELETE /platform/3/snapshot/schedules/{SnapshotScheduleId} | |
SnapshotApi | delete_snapshot_schedules | DELETE /platform/3/snapshot/schedules | |
SnapshotApi | delete_snapshot_snapshot | DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/{SnapshotSnapshotId} | |
SnapshotApi | delete_snapshot_snapshots | DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots | |
SnapshotApi | get_snapshot_aliase | GET /platform/1/snapshot/aliases/{SnapshotAliaseId} | |
SnapshotApi | get_snapshot_changelist | GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/{SnapshotChangelistId} | |
SnapshotApi | get_snapshot_license | GET /platform/1/snapshot/license | |
SnapshotApi | get_snapshot_pending | GET /platform/1/snapshot/pending | |
SnapshotApi | get_snapshot_repstate | GET /platform/1/snapshot/repstates/{SnapshotRepstateId} | |
SnapshotApi | get_snapshot_schedule | GET /platform/3/snapshot/schedules/{SnapshotScheduleId} | |
SnapshotApi | get_snapshot_settings | GET /platform/1/snapshot/settings | |
SnapshotApi | get_snapshot_snapshot | GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/{SnapshotSnapshotId} | |
SnapshotApi | get_snapshot_snapshots_summary | GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots-summary | |
SnapshotApi | list_snapshot_aliases | GET /platform/1/snapshot/aliases | |
SnapshotApi | list_snapshot_changelists | GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists | |
SnapshotApi | list_snapshot_repstates | GET /platform/1/snapshot/repstates | |
SnapshotApi | list_snapshot_schedules | GET /platform/3/snapshot/schedules | |
SnapshotApi | list_snapshot_snapshots | GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots | |
SnapshotApi | update_snapshot_aliase | PUT /platform/1/snapshot/aliases/{SnapshotAliaseId} | |
SnapshotApi | update_snapshot_schedule | PUT /platform/3/snapshot/schedules/{SnapshotScheduleId} | |
SnapshotApi | update_snapshot_settings | PUT /platform/1/snapshot/settings | |
SnapshotApi | update_snapshot_snapshot | PUT /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/{SnapshotSnapshotId} | |
SnapshotChangelistsApi | get_changelist_lin | GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/{Changelist}/lins/{ChangelistLinId} | |
SnapshotChangelistsApi | get_changelist_lins | GET /platform/1/snapshot/changelists/{Changelist}/lins | |
SnapshotSnapshotsApi | create_snapshot_lock | POST /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/{Sid}/locks | |
SnapshotSnapshotsApi | delete_snapshot_lock | DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/{Sid}/locks/{SnapshotLockId} | |
SnapshotSnapshotsApi | delete_snapshot_locks | DELETE /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/{Sid}/locks | |
SnapshotSnapshotsApi | get_snapshot_lock | GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/{Sid}/locks/{SnapshotLockId} | |
SnapshotSnapshotsApi | list_snapshot_locks | GET /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/{Sid}/locks | |
SnapshotSnapshotsApi | update_snapshot_lock | PUT /platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/{Sid}/locks/{SnapshotLockId} | |
StatisticsApi | get_statistics_current | GET /platform/1/statistics/current | |
StatisticsApi | get_statistics_history | GET /platform/1/statistics/history | |
StatisticsApi | get_statistics_key | GET /platform/1/statistics/keys/{StatisticsKeyId} | |
StatisticsApi | get_statistics_keys | GET /platform/1/statistics/keys | |
StatisticsApi | get_statistics_operations | GET /platform/3/statistics/operations | |
StatisticsApi | get_statistics_protocols | GET /platform/1/statistics/protocols | |
StatisticsApi | get_summary_client | GET /platform/3/statistics/summary/client | |
StatisticsApi | get_summary_drive | GET /platform/3/statistics/summary/drive | |
StatisticsApi | get_summary_heat | GET /platform/3/statistics/summary/heat | |
StatisticsApi | get_summary_protocol | GET /platform/3/statistics/summary/protocol | |
StatisticsApi | get_summary_system | GET /platform/3/statistics/summary/system | |
StoragepoolApi | create_compatibilities_class_active_item | POST /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active | |
StoragepoolApi | create_compatibilities_ssd_active_item | POST /platform/3/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active | |
StoragepoolApi | create_storagepool_nodepool | POST /platform/3/storagepool/nodepools | |
StoragepoolApi | create_storagepool_tier | POST /platform/1/storagepool/tiers | |
StoragepoolApi | delete_compatibilities_class_active_by_id | DELETE /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active/{CompatibilitiesClassActiveId} | |
StoragepoolApi | delete_compatibilities_ssd_active_by_id | DELETE /platform/3/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active/{CompatibilitiesSsdActiveId} | |
StoragepoolApi | delete_storagepool_nodepool | DELETE /platform/3/storagepool/nodepools/{StoragepoolNodepoolId} | |
StoragepoolApi | delete_storagepool_tier | DELETE /platform/1/storagepool/tiers/{StoragepoolTierId} | |
StoragepoolApi | delete_storagepool_tiers | DELETE /platform/1/storagepool/tiers | |
StoragepoolApi | get_compatibilities_class_active_by_id | GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active/{CompatibilitiesClassActiveId} | |
StoragepoolApi | get_compatibilities_class_available | GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/available | |
StoragepoolApi | get_compatibilities_ssd_active_by_id | GET /platform/3/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active/{CompatibilitiesSsdActiveId} | |
StoragepoolApi | get_compatibilities_ssd_available | GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/available | |
StoragepoolApi | get_storagepool_nodepool | GET /platform/3/storagepool/nodepools/{StoragepoolNodepoolId} | |
StoragepoolApi | get_storagepool_settings | GET /platform/1/storagepool/settings | |
StoragepoolApi | get_storagepool_status | GET /platform/1/storagepool/status | |
StoragepoolApi | get_storagepool_storagepools | GET /platform/3/storagepool/storagepools | |
StoragepoolApi | get_storagepool_suggested_protection_nid | GET /platform/3/storagepool/suggested-protection/{StoragepoolSuggestedProtectionNid} | |
StoragepoolApi | get_storagepool_tier | GET /platform/1/storagepool/tiers/{StoragepoolTierId} | |
StoragepoolApi | get_storagepool_unprovisioned | GET /platform/1/storagepool/unprovisioned | |
StoragepoolApi | list_compatibilities_class_active | GET /platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active | |
StoragepoolApi | list_compatibilities_ssd_active | GET /platform/3/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active | |
StoragepoolApi | list_storagepool_nodepools | GET /platform/3/storagepool/nodepools | |
StoragepoolApi | list_storagepool_tiers | GET /platform/1/storagepool/tiers | |
StoragepoolApi | update_compatibilities_ssd_active_by_id | PUT /platform/3/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active/{CompatibilitiesSsdActiveId} | |
StoragepoolApi | update_storagepool_nodepool | PUT /platform/3/storagepool/nodepools/{StoragepoolNodepoolId} | |
StoragepoolApi | update_storagepool_settings | PUT /platform/1/storagepool/settings | |
StoragepoolApi | update_storagepool_tier | PUT /platform/1/storagepool/tiers/{StoragepoolTierId} | |
SyncApi | create_sync_job | POST /platform/3/sync/jobs | |
SyncApi | create_sync_policy | POST /platform/3/sync/policies | |
SyncApi | create_sync_reports_rotate_item | POST /platform/1/sync/reports-rotate | |
SyncApi | create_sync_rule | POST /platform/3/sync/rules | |
SyncApi | delete_sync_policies | DELETE /platform/3/sync/policies | |
SyncApi | delete_sync_policy | DELETE /platform/3/sync/policies/{SyncPolicyId} | |
SyncApi | delete_sync_rule | DELETE /platform/3/sync/rules/{SyncRuleId} | |
SyncApi | delete_sync_rules | DELETE /platform/3/sync/rules | |
SyncApi | delete_target_policy | DELETE /platform/1/sync/target/policies/{TargetPolicyId} | |
SyncApi | get_history_cpu | GET /platform/3/sync/history/cpu | |
SyncApi | get_history_file | GET /platform/1/sync/history/file | |
SyncApi | get_history_network | GET /platform/1/sync/history/network | |
SyncApi | get_history_worker | GET /platform/3/sync/history/worker | |
SyncApi | get_sync_job | GET /platform/3/sync/jobs/{SyncJobId} | |
SyncApi | get_sync_license | GET /platform/1/sync/license | |
SyncApi | get_sync_policy | GET /platform/3/sync/policies/{SyncPolicyId} | |
SyncApi | get_sync_report | GET /platform/1/sync/reports/{SyncReportId} | |
SyncApi | get_sync_reports | GET /platform/1/sync/reports | |
SyncApi | get_sync_rule | GET /platform/3/sync/rules/{SyncRuleId} | |
SyncApi | get_sync_settings | GET /platform/3/sync/settings | |
SyncApi | get_target_policies | GET /platform/1/sync/target/policies | |
SyncApi | get_target_policy | GET /platform/1/sync/target/policies/{TargetPolicyId} | |
SyncApi | get_target_report | GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports/{TargetReportId} | |
SyncApi | get_target_reports | GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports | |
SyncApi | list_sync_jobs | GET /platform/3/sync/jobs | |
SyncApi | list_sync_policies | GET /platform/3/sync/policies | |
SyncApi | list_sync_reports_rotate | GET /platform/1/sync/reports-rotate | |
SyncApi | list_sync_rules | GET /platform/3/sync/rules | |
SyncApi | update_sync_job | PUT /platform/3/sync/jobs/{SyncJobId} | |
SyncApi | update_sync_policy | PUT /platform/3/sync/policies/{SyncPolicyId} | |
SyncApi | update_sync_rule | PUT /platform/3/sync/rules/{SyncRuleId} | |
SyncApi | update_sync_settings | PUT /platform/3/sync/settings | |
SyncPoliciesApi | create_policy_reset_item | POST /platform/1/sync/policies/{Policy}/reset | |
SyncReportsApi | get_report_subreport | GET /platform/1/sync/reports/{Rid}/subreports/{ReportSubreportId} | |
SyncReportsApi | get_report_subreports | GET /platform/1/sync/reports/{Rid}/subreports | |
SyncTargetApi | create_policies_policy_cancel_item | POST /platform/1/sync/target/policies/{Policy}/cancel | |
SyncTargetApi | get_reports_report_subreport | GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports/{Rid}/subreports/{ReportsReportSubreportId} | |
SyncTargetApi | get_reports_report_subreports | GET /platform/1/sync/target/reports/{Rid}/subreports | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_add_remaining_node | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/add_remaining_nodes | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_archive_item | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/archive | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_assess_item | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/assess | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_commit_item | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/commit | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_firmware_assess_item | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/firmware/assess | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_firmware_upgrade_item | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/firmware/upgrade | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_patch_abort_item | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/patch/abort | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_retry_last_action_item | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/retry_last_action | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_rollback_item | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/rollback | |
UpgradeApi | create_cluster_upgrade_item | POST /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/upgrade | |
UpgradeApi | get_cluster_firmware_progress | GET /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/firmware/progress | |
UpgradeApi | get_cluster_firmware_status | GET /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/firmware/status | |
UpgradeApi | get_cluster_node | GET /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/nodes/{ClusterNodeId} | |
UpgradeApi | get_cluster_nodes | GET /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/nodes | |
UpgradeApi | get_upgrade_cluster | GET /platform/3/upgrade/cluster | |
UpgradeApi | update_cluster_upgrade | PUT /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/upgrade | |
UpgradeClusterApi | get_nodes_node_firmware_status | GET /platform/3/upgrade/cluster/nodes/{Lnn}/firmware/status | |
WormApi | create_worm_domain | POST /platform/1/worm/domains | |
WormApi | get_worm_domain | GET /platform/1/worm/domains/{WormDomainId} | |
WormApi | get_worm_settings | GET /platform/1/worm/settings | |
WormApi | list_worm_domains | GET /platform/1/worm/domains | |
WormApi | update_worm_domain | PUT /platform/1/worm/domains/{WormDomainId} | |
WormApi | update_worm_settings | PUT /platform/1/worm/settings | |
ZonesApi | create_zone | POST /platform/3/zones | |
ZonesApi | delete_zone | DELETE /platform/3/zones/{ZoneId} | |
ZonesApi | get_zone | GET /platform/3/zones/{ZoneId} | |
ZonesApi | list_zones | GET /platform/3/zones | |
ZonesApi | update_zone | PUT /platform/3/zones/{ZoneId} | |
ZonesSummaryApi | get_zones_summary | GET /platform/1/zones-summary | |
ZonesSummaryApi | get_zones_summary_zone | GET /platform/1/zones-summary/{ZonesSummaryZone} |
- AdsProviderControllers
- AdsProviderControllersController
- AdsProviderDomains
- AdsProviderDomainsDomain
- AdsProviderSearch
- AdsProviderSearchObject
- AntivirusPolicies
- AntivirusPoliciesExtended
- AntivirusPolicy
- AntivirusPolicyCreateParams
- AntivirusPolicyExtended
- AntivirusQuarantine
- AntivirusQuarantinePathParams
- AntivirusScanItem
- AntivirusServer
- AntivirusServerCreateParams
- AntivirusServerExtended
- AntivirusServers
- AntivirusServersExtended
- AntivirusSettings
- AntivirusSettingsSettings
- AuditSettings
- AuditSettingsSettings
- AuditTopic
- AuditTopicCreateParams
- AuditTopicExtended
- AuditTopics
- AuditTopicsExtended
- AuthAccess
- AuthAccessAccessItem
- AuthAccessAccessItemFile
- AuthAccessAccessItemPermissions
- AuthAccessAccessItemRelevantAce
- AuthAccessAccessItemUser
- AuthGroup
- AuthGroupCreateParams
- AuthGroupExtended
- AuthGroups
- AuthGroupsExtended
- AuthId
- AuthIdNtoken
- AuthIdNtokenPrivilegeItem
- AuthLogLevel
- AuthLogLevelExtended
- AuthLogLevelLevel
- AuthNetgroup
- AuthNetgroups
- AuthPrivilege
- AuthPrivileges
- AuthRole
- AuthRoleCreateParams
- AuthRoleExtended
- AuthRoles
- AuthRolesExtended
- AuthShells
- AuthUser
- AuthUserCreateParams
- AuthUsers
- AuthUsersExtended
- AuthWellknowns
- ChangelistLins
- ChangelistLinsCtime
- ChangelistLinsExtended
- CloudAccess
- CloudAccessCluster
- CloudAccessExtended
- CloudAccessItem
- CloudAccount
- CloudAccountCreateParams
- CloudAccountExtended
- CloudAccounts
- CloudAccountsExtended
- CloudJob
- CloudJobCreateParams
- CloudJobExtended
- CloudJobFiles
- CloudJobFilesName
- CloudJobJobEngineJob
- CloudJobs
- CloudJobsExtended
- CloudJobsFiles
- CloudPool
- CloudPoolCreateParams
- CloudPoolExtended
- CloudPools
- CloudPoolsExtended
- CloudSettings
- CloudSettingsSettings
- CloudSettingsSettingsSleepTimeoutCloudGarbageCollection
- ClusterAddNodeItem
- ClusterArchiveItem
- ClusterAssessItem
- ClusterConfig
- ClusterConfigDevice
- ClusterConfigOnefsVersion
- ClusterConfigTimezone
- ClusterEmail
- ClusterEmailExtended
- ClusterEmailSettings
- ClusterFirmwareProgress
- ClusterFirmwareStatus
- ClusterFirmwareStatusNode
- ClusterFirmwareStatusNodeDevice
- ClusterFirmwareStatusNodePackageItem
- ClusterFirmwareUpgradeItem
- ClusterIdentity
- ClusterIdentityExtended
- ClusterIdentityLogon
- ClusterIdentityLogonExtended
- ClusterNode
- ClusterNodeExtended
- ClusterNodeExtendedExtended
- ClusterNodeHardware
- ClusterNodePartitions
- ClusterNodeSensors
- ClusterNodeState
- ClusterNodeStateExtended
- ClusterNodeStateExtendedExtended
- ClusterNodeStateServicelight
- ClusterNodeStateServicelightExtended
- ClusterNodeStateServicelightExtendedExtended
- ClusterNodeStateSmartfail
- ClusterNodeStatus
- ClusterNodes
- ClusterNodesAvailable
- ClusterNodesAvailableNode
- ClusterNodesError
- ClusterNodesExtended
- ClusterNodesExtendedExtended
- ClusterNodesExtendedExtendedExtended
- ClusterNodesOnefsVersion
- ClusterOwner
- ClusterPatchPatche
- ClusterRetryLastActionItem
- ClusterStatfs
- ClusterTime
- ClusterTimeError
- ClusterTimeExtended
- ClusterTimeExtendedExtended
- ClusterTimeNode
- ClusterTimezone
- ClusterTimezoneExtended
- ClusterUpgrade
- ClusterUpgradeItem
- ClusterVersion
- ClusterVersionNode
- CompatibilitiesClassActive
- CompatibilitiesClassActiveActiveItem
- CompatibilitiesClassActiveExtended
- CompatibilitiesClassActiveItem
- CompatibilitiesClassAvailable
- CompatibilitiesClassAvailableAvailableItem
- CompatibilitiesSsdActive
- CompatibilitiesSsdActiveActiveItem
- CompatibilitiesSsdActiveExtended
- CompatibilitiesSsdActiveIdParams
- CompatibilitiesSsdActiveItem
- CompatibilitiesSsdAvailable
- CompatibilitiesSsdAvailableAvailableItem
- CreateAntivirusScanItemResponse
- CreateAuthRefreshItemResponse
- CreateCloudAccountResponse
- CreateCloudJobResponse
- CreateCloudPoolResponse
- CreateCompatibilitiesClassActiveItemResponse
- CreateCompatibilitiesClassActiveItemResponseMerge
- CreateCompatibilitiesClassActiveItemResponseSplit
- CreateFilepoolPolicyResponse
- CreateHardeningApplyItemResponse
- CreateHardeningResolveItemResponse
- CreateHardeningRevertItemResponse
- CreateJobJobResponse
- CreateNfsAliaseResponse
- CreateNfsNlmSessionsCheckItemResponse
- CreateQuotaReportResponse
- CreateResponse
- CreateSnapshotAliaseResponse
- CreateSnapshotChangelistResponse
- CreateSnapshotLockResponse
- CreateSnapshotRepstateResponse
- CreateSnapshotScheduleResponse
- CreateStoragepoolTierResponse
- CreateSyncReportsRotateItemResponse
- DebugStats
- DebugStatsHandler
- DebugStatsUnknown
- DedupeDedupeSummary
- DedupeDedupeSummarySummary
- DedupeReport
- DedupeReportExtended
- DedupeReports
- DedupeReportsExtended
- DedupeSettings
- DedupeSettingsExtended
- DedupeSettingsSettings
- DrivesDriveFirmware
- DrivesDriveFirmwareNode
- DrivesDriveFirmwareNodeDrive
- DrivesDriveFirmwareUpdate
- DrivesDriveFirmwareUpdateItem
- DrivesDriveFirmwareUpdateNode
- DrivesDriveFirmwareUpdateNodeStatus
- DrivesDriveFormatItem
- DrivesDrivePurposeItem
- Empty
- Error
- EventAlertCondition
- EventAlertConditionCreateParams
- EventAlertConditions
- EventAlertConditionsAlertCondition
- EventAlertConditionsExtended
- EventCategories
- EventCategoriesExtended
- EventCategory
- EventChannel
- EventChannelCreateParams
- EventChannelParameters
- EventChannels
- EventChannelsAlertCondition
- EventChannelsExtended
- EventEvent
- EventEventgroupDefinitions
- EventEventgroupDefinitionsEventgroupDefinition
- EventEventgroupDefinitionsExtended
- EventEventgroupOccurrence
- EventEventgroupOccurrences
- EventEventgroupOccurrencesEventgroupOccurrence
- EventEventgroupOccurrencesExtended
- EventEventlists
- EventEventlistsEventlistItem
- EventEventlistsEventlistItemEvent
- EventEventlistsExtended
- EventSettings
- EventSettingsMaintenance
- FileFilterSettings
- FilepoolDefaultPolicy
- FilepoolDefaultPolicyAction
- FilepoolDefaultPolicyDefaultPolicy
- FilepoolDefaultPolicyDefaultPolicyAction
- FilepoolDefaultPolicyExtended
- FilepoolPolicies
- FilepoolPoliciesExtended
- FilepoolPolicy
- FilepoolPolicyAction
- FilepoolPolicyActionExtended
- FilepoolPolicyCreateParams
- FilepoolPolicyExtended
- FilepoolPolicyExtendedExtended
- FilepoolPolicyFileMatchingPattern
- FilepoolPolicyFileMatchingPatternOrCriteriaItem
- FilepoolPolicyFileMatchingPatternOrCriteriaItemAndCriteriaItem
- FilepoolTemplates
- FsaResult
- FsaResultExtended
- FsaResults
- FsaResultsExtended
- FsaSettings
- FsaSettingsSettings
- FtpSettings
- FtpSettingsSettings
- GroupMember
- GroupMembers
- GroupnetSubnet
- GroupnetSubnetCreateParams
- GroupnetSubnetExtended
- GroupnetSubnets
- GroupnetSubnetsExtended
- HardeningApplyItem
- HardeningResolveItem
- HardeningState
- HardeningStateState
- HardeningStatus
- HardeningStatusStatus
- HardwareFcport
- HardwareFcports
- HardwareTapeNameParams
- HardwareTapes
- HdfsLogLevel
- HdfsProxyuser
- HdfsProxyuserCreateParams
- HdfsProxyusers
- HdfsRack
- HdfsRackCreateParams
- HdfsRackExtended
- HdfsRacks
- HdfsRacksExtended
- HdfsSettings
- HdfsSettingsSettings
- HistoryFile
- HistoryFileStatistic
- HttpSettings
- HttpSettingsSettings
- JobEvent
- JobEvents
- JobJob
- JobJobAvscanParams
- JobJobChangelistcreateParams
- JobJobCreateParams
- JobJobDomainmarkParams
- JobJobExtended
- JobJobPrepairParams
- JobJobSmartpoolstreeParams
- JobJobSnaprevertParams
- JobJobSummary
- JobJobSummarySummary
- JobJobs
- JobJobsExtended
- JobPolicies
- JobPoliciesExtended
- JobPoliciesType
- JobPolicy
- JobPolicyCreateParams
- JobPolicyInterval
- JobRecent
- JobReports
- JobStatistics
- JobStatisticsJob
- JobStatisticsJobNode
- JobStatisticsJobNodeCpu
- JobStatisticsJobNodeIo
- JobStatisticsJobNodeIoRead
- JobStatisticsJobNodeIoWrite
- JobStatisticsJobNodeMemory
- JobStatisticsJobNodeMemoryPhysical
- JobStatisticsJobNodeMemoryVirtual
- JobStatisticsJobNodeWorker
- JobType
- JobTypeExtended
- JobTypes
- JobTypesExtended
- LicenseLicense
- LicenseLicenseCreateParams
- LicenseLicenses
- MappingDump
- MappingIdentities
- MappingIdentity
- MappingIdentityCreateParams
- MappingIdentityTarget
- MappingIdentityTargetCreateParams
- MappingImport
- MappingUsersLookup
- MappingUsersLookupMappingItem
- MappingUsersLookupMappingItemGroup
- MappingUsersLookupMappingItemUser
- MappingUsersRules
- MappingUsersRulesExtended
- MappingUsersRulesParameters
- MappingUsersRulesRule
- MappingUsersRulesRuleExtended
- MappingUsersRulesRuleOptions
- MappingUsersRulesRuleOptionsDefaultUser
- MappingUsersRulesRuleOptionsExtended
- MappingUsersRulesRuleUser2
- MappingUsersRulesRuleUser2Extended
- MappingUsersRulesRules
- MappingUsersRulesRulesParameters
- NdmpContextsBre
- NdmpContextsBreContext
- NdmpDiagnostics
- NdmpDiagnosticsDiagnostics
- NdmpLogs
- NdmpSession
- NdmpSessions
- NdmpSettingsGlobal
- NdmpSettingsGlobalGlobal
- NdmpSettingsVariable
- NdmpUser
- NdmpUserCreateParams
- NdmpUsers
- NdmpUsersExtended
- NetworkDnscache
- NetworkDnscacheExtended
- NetworkDnscacheSetting
- NetworkExternal
- NetworkExternalExtended
- NetworkExternalSetting
- NetworkGroupnet
- NetworkGroupnetCreateParams
- NetworkGroupnetExtended
- NetworkGroupnets
- NetworkGroupnetsExtended
- NetworkPool
- NetworkPools
- NfsAliase
- NfsAliaseCreateParams
- NfsAliaseExtended
- NfsAliases
- NfsAliasesExtended
- NfsCheck
- NfsCheckExtended
- NfsExport
- NfsExportCreateParams
- NfsExportExtended
- NfsExportMapAll
- NfsExportMapAllSecondaryGroups
- NfsExports
- NfsExportsExtended
- NfsExportsSummary
- NfsExportsSummarySummary
- NfsLogLevel
- NfsNetgroup
- NfsNlmLocks
- NfsNlmLocksLock
- NfsNlmSessions
- NfsNlmSessionsExtended
- NfsNlmSessionsSession
- NfsNlmWaiters
- NfsSettingsExport
- NfsSettingsExportSettings
- NfsSettingsGlobal
- NfsSettingsGlobalSettings
- NfsSettingsZone
- NfsSettingsZoneSettings
- NodeDrives
- NodeDrivesNode
- NodeDrivesNodeDrive
- NodeDrivesNodeDriveFirmware
- NodeDrivesPurposelist
- NodeDrivesPurposelistNode
- NodeDrivesPurposelistNodePurpose
- NodeHardware
- NodeHardwareNode
- NodePartitions
- NodePartitionsNode
- NodePartitionsNodePartition
- NodePartitionsNodePartitionStatfs
- NodeSensors
- NodeSensorsNode
- NodeSensorsNodeSensor
- NodeSensorsNodeSensorValue
- NodeState
- NodeStateNode
- NodeStateNodeServicelight
- NodeStateReadonly
- NodeStateReadonlyExtended
- NodeStateReadonlyNode
- NodeStateServicelight
- NodeStateServicelightExtended
- NodeStateServicelightNode
- NodeStateSmartfail
- NodeStateSmartfailExtended
- NodeStateSmartfailNode
- NodeStatus
- NodeStatusBatterystatus
- NodeStatusBatterystatusNode
- NodeStatusNode
- NodeStatusNodeBatterystatus
- NodeStatusNodeCapacityItem
- NodeStatusNodeCpu
- NodeStatusNodeNvram
- NodeStatusNodeNvramBattery
- NodeStatusNodePowersupplies
- NodeStatusNodePowersuppliesSupply
- NodesNodeFirmwareStatus
- NtpServer
- NtpServerCreateParams
- NtpServerExtended
- NtpServers
- NtpServersExtended
- NtpSettings
- NtpSettingsSettings
- PoolsPoolInterfaces
- PoolsPoolInterfacesInterfaceItem
- PoolsPoolInterfacesInterfaceItemOwner
- PoolsPoolRule
- PoolsPoolRuleCreateParams
- PoolsPoolRules
- PoolsPoolRulesExtended
- PoolsPoolRulesRule
- PoolsPoolScResumeNode
- ProvidersAds
- ProvidersAdsAdsItem
- ProvidersAdsAdsItemExtended
- ProvidersAdsExtended
- ProvidersAdsIdParams
- ProvidersAdsItem
- ProvidersFile
- ProvidersFileFileItem
- ProvidersFileIdParams
- ProvidersFileItem
- ProvidersKrb5
- ProvidersKrb5Extended
- ProvidersKrb5IdParams
- ProvidersKrb5IdParamsKeytabEntry
- ProvidersKrb5Item
- ProvidersKrb5Krb5Item
- ProvidersKrb5Krb5ItemExtended
- ProvidersLdap
- ProvidersLdapIdParams
- ProvidersLdapItem
- ProvidersLdapLdapItem
- ProvidersLocal
- ProvidersLocalIdParams
- ProvidersLocalLocalItem
- ProvidersNis
- ProvidersNisExtended
- ProvidersNisIdParams
- ProvidersNisItem
- ProvidersNisNisItem
- ProvidersNisNisItemExtended
- ProvidersSummary
- ProvidersSummaryProviderInstance
- ProvidersSummaryProviderInstanceConnection
- QuotaNotification
- QuotaNotificationCreateParams
- QuotaNotificationExtended
- QuotaNotifications
- QuotaNotificationsExtended
- QuotaQuota
- QuotaQuotaCreateParams
- QuotaQuotaExtended
- QuotaQuotaThresholds
- QuotaQuotaThresholdsExtended
- QuotaQuotaUsage
- QuotaQuotas
- QuotaQuotasExtended
- QuotaQuotasSummary
- QuotaQuotasSummarySummary
- QuotaReports
- RemotesupportConnectemc
- RemotesupportConnectemcConnectemc
- ReportAbout
- ReportAboutReport
- ReportSubreport
- ReportSubreportPhase
- ReportSubreportPolicy
- ReportSubreportPolicyFileMatchingPattern
- ReportSubreportPolicyFileMatchingPatternOrCriteriaItem
- ReportSubreportPolicyFileMatchingPatternOrCriteriaItemAndCriteriaItem
- ReportSubreports
- ReportSubreportsExtended
- ReportsReportSubreports
- ReportsReportSubreportsExtended
- ReportsReportSubreportsSubreport
- ReportsScans
- ReportsScansExtended
- ReportsScansReport
- ReportsThreats
- ReportsThreatsExtended
- ReportsThreatsReport
- ResultDirectoriesTotalUsage
- ResultHistogram
- ResultHistogramHistogramItem
- ResultTopDirs
- ResultTopDirsDir
- ResultTopFiles
- ResultTopFilesFile
- RolePrivileges
- SettingsAccessTime
- SettingsAccessTimeExtended
- SettingsAccessTimeSettings
- SettingsAcls
- SettingsAclsAclPolicySettings
- SettingsGlobal
- SettingsGlobalExtended
- SettingsGlobalGlobalSettings
- SettingsGlobalSettings
- SettingsKrb5Defaults
- SettingsKrb5DefaultsKrb5Settings
- SettingsKrb5Domain
- SettingsKrb5DomainCreateParams
- SettingsKrb5Domains
- SettingsKrb5DomainsDomainItem
- SettingsKrb5Realm
- SettingsKrb5RealmCreateParams
- SettingsKrb5Realms
- SettingsKrb5RealmsRealmItem
- SettingsMapping
- SettingsMappingExtended
- SettingsMappingExtendedExtended
- SettingsMappingMappingSettings
- SettingsMappings
- SettingsReportingEulaItem
- SettingsReports
- SettingsReportsExtended
- SettingsReportsSettings
- SmbLogLevel
- SmbLogLevelFilter
- SmbLogLevelFilters
- SmbLogLevelFiltersExtended
- SmbLogLevelFiltersFilter
- SmbOpenfile
- SmbOpenfiles
- SmbSession
- SmbSessions
- SmbSettingsGlobal
- SmbSettingsGlobalSettings
- SmbSettingsGlobalSettingsAuditGlobalSaclItem
- SmbSettingsShare
- SmbSettingsShareSettings
- SmbShare
- SmbShareCreateParams
- SmbShareExtended
- SmbSharePermission
- SmbShares
- SmbSharesExtended
- SmbSharesSummary
- SmbSharesSummarySummary
- SnapshotAliase
- SnapshotAliaseCreateParams
- SnapshotAliaseExtended
- SnapshotAliases
- SnapshotAliasesExtended
- SnapshotChangelists
- SnapshotChangelistsExtended
- SnapshotLock
- SnapshotLockCreateParams
- SnapshotLockExtended
- SnapshotLocks
- SnapshotLocksExtended
- SnapshotPending
- SnapshotPendingPendingItem
- SnapshotRepstates
- SnapshotRepstatesExtended
- SnapshotSchedule
- SnapshotScheduleCreateParams
- SnapshotScheduleExtended
- SnapshotScheduleExtendedExtended
- SnapshotSchedules
- SnapshotSchedulesExtended
- SnapshotSettings
- SnapshotSettingsExtended
- SnapshotSettingsSettings
- SnapshotSnapshot
- SnapshotSnapshotCreateParams
- SnapshotSnapshotExtended
- SnapshotSnapshots
- SnapshotSnapshotsExtended
- SnapshotSnapshotsSummary
- SnapshotSnapshotsSummarySummary
- SnmpSettings
- SnmpSettingsExtended
- SnmpSettingsSettings
- StatisticsCurrent
- StatisticsCurrentStat
- StatisticsHistory
- StatisticsHistoryStat
- StatisticsHistoryStatValue
- StatisticsKey
- StatisticsKeyPolicy
- StatisticsKeys
- StatisticsKeysExtended
- StatisticsOperation
- StatisticsOperations
- StatisticsProtocol
- StatisticsProtocols
- StoragepoolNodepool
- StoragepoolNodepoolCreateParams
- StoragepoolNodepoolExtended
- StoragepoolNodepools
- StoragepoolNodepoolsExtended
- StoragepoolSettings
- StoragepoolSettingsExtended
- StoragepoolSettingsSettings
- StoragepoolSettingsSettingsSpilloverTarget
- StoragepoolSettingsSpilloverTarget
- StoragepoolStatus
- StoragepoolStatusUnhealthyItem
- StoragepoolStatusUnhealthyItemAffectedItem
- StoragepoolStatusUnhealthyItemDiskpool
- StoragepoolStatusUnprovisionedItem
- StoragepoolStoragepool
- StoragepoolStoragepools
- StoragepoolSuggestedProtection
- StoragepoolSuggestedProtectionSuggestedProtectionItem
- StoragepoolTier
- StoragepoolTierCreateParams
- StoragepoolTierExtended
- StoragepoolTierUsage
- StoragepoolTiers
- StoragepoolTiersExtended
- StoragepoolUnprovisioned
- StoragepoolUnprovisionedUnprovisionedItem
- SubnetsSubnetPool
- SubnetsSubnetPoolCreateParams
- SubnetsSubnetPoolIface
- SubnetsSubnetPoolRange
- SubnetsSubnetPoolStaticRoute
- SubnetsSubnetPools
- SubnetsSubnetPoolsExtended
- SubnetsSubnetPoolsPool
- SummaryClient
- SummaryClientClientItem
- SummaryDrive
- SummaryDriveDriveItem
- SummaryHeat
- SummaryHeatHeatItem
- SummaryProtocol
- SummaryProtocolProtocolItem
- SummarySystem
- SummarySystemSystemItem
- SwiftAccount
- SwiftAccountExtended
- SwiftAccounts
- SyncJob
- SyncJobCreateParams
- SyncJobExtended
- SyncJobWorker
- SyncJobs
- SyncJobsExtended
- SyncPolicies
- SyncPoliciesExtended
- SyncPolicy
- SyncPolicyCreateParams
- SyncPolicyExtended
- SyncPolicyExtendedExtended
- SyncPolicySourceNetwork
- SyncReport
- SyncReportPolicy
- SyncReports
- SyncReportsExtended
- SyncReportsRotate
- SyncRule
- SyncRuleCreateParams
- SyncRuleExtended
- SyncRuleExtendedExtended
- SyncRuleSchedule
- SyncRules
- SyncRulesExtended
- SyncSettings
- SyncSettingsExtended
- SyncSettingsSettings
- TargetPolicies
- TargetPoliciesExtended
- TargetPolicy
- TargetReport
- TargetReports
- TargetReportsExtended
- TimezoneRegion
- TimezoneRegionTimezone
- TimezoneRegions
- TimezoneSettings
- UpgradeCluster
- UpgradeClusterClusterOverview
- UpgradeClusterUpgradeSettings
- UserChangePassword
- UserMemberOf
- WormDomain
- WormDomainCreateParams
- WormDomainExtended
- WormDomains
- WormDomainsExtended
- WormSettings
- WormSettingsExtended
- WormSettingsSettings
- Zone
- ZoneCreateParams
- ZoneExtended
- ZoneExtendedExtended
- Zones
- ZonesExtended
- ZonesSummary
- ZonesSummaryExtended
- ZonesSummarySummary
- ZonesSummarySummaryExtended
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
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Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
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