Technique ID | Title | Link |
T1059.001 | Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell | |
T1059.009 | Command and Scripting Interpreter: Cloud API | |
Correlates commands run during a Live Response session on individual endpoints using the row_window_session function.
Live Resposne is a limited RMM tool that can be used to run various commands and deploy files and scripts to endpoints under MDE management.
- (coming soon)
let PIDs = DeviceProcessEvents
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine startswith @"""SenseIR.exe"" ""OnlineSenseIR"""
| project DeviceId, ProcessId;
| join DeviceProcessEvents on $right.InitiatingProcessId == $left.ProcessId , $right.DeviceId == $left.DeviceId
| where FileName !in ("csc.exe", "conhost.exe") // noisy processes
| where InitiatingProcessFileName == "powershell.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine !contains "ew0KICAgICJTY2FubmVyQXJncyI" // Disovery scan configs
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine !contains "eyJEZXRlY3Rpb25LZXlzIjp" // MDE deception lure configs
| sort by DeviceId, TimeGenerated asc
| extend EventSessionId = row_window_session(TimeGenerated, 10m, 3m, DeviceId != prev(DeviceId))
| project DeviceName, TimeGenerated, FileName, ProcessCommandLine, EventSessionId