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Aurora edited this page Apr 27, 2016 · 50 revisions

Splash Screen

Luma3DS can show:

  • An image for the top screen (SD:/luma/splash.bin)
  • An image for the bottom screen (SD:/luma/splashbottom.bin)

You can place either of the files above, or both of them at the same time.
You can convert your own splash screen images here or find ones made by others here.
Boot is delayed if you place either file on the SD card.

Payload Chainloading

Allows you to run other ARM9 programs on boot.
How to use:

  • Put the payload you use most inside SD:/luma/payloads, and rename it to def_<name>.bin (where can be whatever you want)
  • Put additional payloads in SD:/luma/payloads, and rename it to <button>_<name>.bin (where can be whatever you want)

<button>_<name>.bin can be as follows:

  • x_NAME.bin
  • y_NAME.bin
  • sel_NAME.bin (for SELECT)
  • r_NAME.bin
  • a_NAME.bin
  • right_NAME.bin
  • left_NAME.bin
  • up_NAME.bin
  • down_NAME.bin

def_NAME.bin gets launched by holding the START button or if chosen payload doesn't exist, for the others you need to hold their corresponding button.
For the r_NAME.bin, a_NAME.bin and sel_NAME.bin you need to press L+R, L+A and L+SELECT on boot respectively.
If you're using a non-screen-init version of A9LH, it will be done automatically before launching the payload.

Signature Check Patching

Luma3DS always patches signature checks. This allows region-free to work without the need of NTR CFW or pre-patched Home Menu or NS CIAs.

If you're not booting a 9.0/9.2 NAND, the FIRM reboot patch is applied to make these work:

  • Allow games which work in the larger RAM mode (Smash Bros, Monster Hunter 4... on Old 3DS)
  • Custom GBA games
  • Old DS flashcards

ARM9LoaderHax and FIRM write-protection

Booting with arm9loaderhax is auto-detected, and whenever you load SysNAND on A9LH all FIRMs are automatically patched to prevent overwriting A9LH or bricking.
This also makes you be able to always safely perform a system update from A9LH.

Session persistency

When a soft (or "MCU") reboot happens (like exiting from System Settings), Luma3DS will remember and force the last used boot mode. This is to easily keep staying on the NAND you booted.
To override this, just hold A (which is equivalent to not pressing anything on a fresh boot), or the desired button(s) for other boot options/ARM9 payloads.

GBA Save Game Patch

When you quit a GBA game, you'll be forced to SysNAND in every case. This is important to prevent loss of your saves, and can't be changed or overridden.