This project will implement a Clojure version of the Groops application for the Bleeding Edge Web meetup. There are loose specifications for the app, but we are free to implement that however we see fit.
Keeping with the spirit of living on the Bleeding edge, the plan is to implement this using the "Immutable Stack" (coined by Kitchen Table Coders):
- Datomic
- Clojure
- ClojureScript
- Om
Start the web application server with:
$ lein server
If you'd like a more interactive web development session then start the FigWheel server with:
$ lein figwheel
If you'd like a BREPL session then start austin by launching your Clojure REPL (cider recommended) and then launching the preconfigured BREPL
user> (ns groops.web)
;; => nil
groops.web> (brepl)
Browser-REPL ready @ http://localhost:XXXXX/XXX/repl/start
Type `:cljs/quit` to stop the ClojureScript REPL
;; => nil
cljs.user> (js/alert "hi")
;; => nil
;; you may need to refresh your browser at this point
cljs.user> (ns
;; => nil> @app-state
;; => {:user {:name "John Smith", :email "", :twitter "@JohnSmith"}, :gravatar-url "", :room-count-map {:Alpha 0, :Beta 0, :Delta 0, :Gamma 0}}>