This repository holds the course materials for the Q3 2018 edition of ACA Full Stack MERN
- Instructor: Jon Woo, jon [at] austincodingacademy [dot] com
- Tutor:
- Class Time:
- Session Dates: June 24 - Sept 4, 2019
- Text Book: Pro MERN Stack
- Daily Student Presentations
- Weekly Interview Prep Blog Questions
- Course Outline
I like to refer to this class as Applied Javascript, designed to take our Intermediate students to a level of fluency with Node.js and React.js that will allow them to build professional, well designed web applications. You can use these skills to become an entry level developer, a JavaScript developer a senior technical project manager, a full stack developer, or use your ability to learn new languages to switch into a career with Python, Ruby, or one of the many other in-demand languages in Texas.
This class is designed for someone who has a strong command of front end development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and who is interested in formalizing their back end development skill set to become full stack.
You should be completely comfortable with html and have a basic understanding on javascript. You don't need to be able to code a chess game in javascript but you should know what an if statement or for loop is.
We will be using a combination of materials such as slides, follow along demos, tutorials, reading assignments and homework projects
- Student Presentations - 5-7 mins
- Whiteboard Training - 15 mins
- Homework review and questions - 25-35 mins
- 7:30 p.m. Students are whiteboarding, code planning, cloning and coding
- 8:45 Assign blogs and give Attendance Code