Static code analysis of the npm registry.
npm-miner is maintained on the fork:
The docker-compose.yml
contains the services needed by the npm-miner to work. These are:
- nginx for a web server
- rabbitmq for a worker queue
- mongodb and mongo-express for the database and a web client for it
The developed services include:
- the front-end in react
- the back-end in node
- the workers in node:
- the crawler
- the analyzers
The workers above are handled with pm2
Front-facing there is Nginx that handles the web traffic and serves the React.js built Single Page Application (SPA). The SPA sends REST API requests to the node.js-express back-end server. The back-end server on its turn queries the MongoDB for the requested data and sends them back to the front-end for viewing.
On the mining side, the Crawler through a cron job, every ten minutes requests a random page of 100 packages from the CouchDB of the npm-registry. Immediatelly it sends 100 messages with the package.json files of the packages to the RabbitMQ to be consumed by the workers. The workers request metadata from GitHub and the analysis of and then download the tarball from the link provided in the latest package.json file and perform the static code analysis, storing the results in the MongoDB.
Make sure: back-end/.env
, front-end/.env
are set
The application runs in three shells:
- Run:
docker-compose --file docker-compose-dev.yml up --force-recreate
cd back-end && npm run dev
cd front-end && npm start
Check localhost:3000
Make sure: .env
is set in the root folder of the project and run
docker-compose -f docker-compose-stage.yml up --build --force-recreate
Check localhost:8080
In the production server, pull the latest code and run:
docker-compose up --build -d
In production:
docker exec npm-miner-mongo mongodump --uri="mongodb://<username>:<password>@mongodb:27017/npmminer?authSource=admin" --collection=packages
docker exec -it ac00db5fb263 bash
and tar thedump
dir (tar -cf dump.tar dump/
)docker cp ac00db5fb263:/dump.tar .
docker exec -it ac00db5fb263 bash
and delete the tarfile and thedump
then scp
in development
In development:
docker cp dump.tar npm-miner_mongo_1:/tmp/
docker exec -it npm-miner_mongo_1 bash
and untar (tar -xvf /tmp/dump.tar
)docker exec npm-miner_mongo_1 mongorestore /dump --uri="mongodb://<username>:<password>@localhost:27017/npmminer?authSource=admin"
- Delete the
directory and the tar file