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ljacqu edited this page May 21, 2017 · 3 revisions

To switch from another auth plugin to AuthMe, you can preserve your data by using one of our converters. Converters are run as a command, /authme converter <name>, and the converters are configured in the "Converter" section of config.yml.


It is possible to convert your data from one AuthMe database type to another.

SQLite to MySQL

Command: /authme converter sqliteToSql
Set your config.yml to use the MySQL database you want to convert to. The SQLite database must be in plugins/AuthMe and have the same name as the configured database name ("DataSource.mySQLDatabase" in config.yml).

MySQL to SQLite

Command: /authme converter mysqlToSqlite
Set your config.yml to use the SQLite database you want to convert to. The MySQL settings in config.yml are used to connect to the MySQL database.


Command: /authme converter crazylogin
Flat file support only. Copy the flat file DB in the plugins/AuthMe folder and configure Converter.CrazyLogin.fileName in config.yml to the name of your file.


Command: /authme converter loginsecurity
Supports both flat file and MySQL – as configured in config.yml (see "Converter.loginSecurity"). In case of flat file, the flat file DB must be at its regular location, namely at plugins/LoginSecurity/LoginSecurity.db.


🕸 Dead for years, probably not used by anyone anymore?
Command: /authme converter rakamak
Supports flat file only, see "Converter.rakamak" in config.yml.


Command: /authme converter royalauth
Only migrates name, password and lastlogin.


🕸 Dead for years, probably not used by anyone anymore?
Command: /authme converter vauth


Command: /authme converter xauth
This converter requires that the xAuth plugin be loaded in order to work! It migrates whatever database xAuth is configured to use.