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CAEX_CLASSModel_TagNames Fields

The CAEX_CLASSModel_TagNames type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public fieldStatic member ADDITIONALINFORMATION_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'AdditionalInformation'. This Element has no special CAEX-Wrapper.
Public fieldStatic member ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'Alias'. This is a Property in the CAEX-Wrapper ExternalReferenceType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT_NOMINAL_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'NominalScaledType'. CAEX-Wrapper is NominalScaledTypeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT_NOMINAL_VALUE_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RequiredValue'. This is a Property in the CAEX-Wrapper NominalScaledTypeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT_ORDINAL_MAX_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RequiredMaxValue'. This is a Property in the CAEX-Wrapper OrdinalScaledTypeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT_ORDINAL_MIN_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RequiredMinValue'. This is a Property in the CAEX-Wrapper OrdinalScaledTypeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT_ORDINAL_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'OrdinalScaledType'. CAEX-Wrapper is OrdinalScaledTypeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT_ORDINAL_VALUE_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RequiredValue'. This is a Property in the CAEX-Wrapper OrdinalScaledTypeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'Constraint'. The CAEX-Wrapper is AttributeValueRequirementType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT_UNKNOWN_REQ_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'Requirements'. This is a Child of the CAEX-Wrapper UnknownTypeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_CONSTRAINT_UNKNOWN_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'UnknownType'. The CAEX-Wrapper is UnknownTypeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'AttributeDataType'. CAEX-Wrapper is AttributeDataTypeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTVALUE_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'DefaultValue'. This is a Property in the CAEX-Wrapper AttributeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CORRESPONDING_ATTRIBUTE_PATH The Name of the Attribute 'CorrespondingAttributePath' of the CAEX-Element RefSemanticType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_FILENAME The Name of the Attribute 'FileName' of the CAEX-Element CAEXFileType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REF_PARTNER_SIDE_A The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RefPartnerSideA'. This is a Property in the CAEX-Wrapper InternalLinkType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REF_PARTNER_SIDE_B The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RefPartnerSideB'. This is a Property in the CAEX-Wrapper InternalLinkType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REFBASECLASSPATH The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RefBaseClassPath'. This is a Property in all Classes that implement IClassWithBaseClassReference
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REFBASEROLECLASSPATH The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RefBaseRoleClassPath'. This is a Property in RoleRequirementsType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REFBASESYSTEMUNITPATH The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RefBaseSystemUnitPath'. This is a Property in InternalElementType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REFROLECLASSPATH The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RefRoleClassPath'. This is a Property in SupportedRoleClassType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_SCHEMA_LOCATION The Name of the Xml-Schema Location Attribute 'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation'
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_NAME_SCHEMA_VERSION The Name of the Xml-Schema Version Attribute 'SchemaVersion' of the CAEX-Element CAEXFileType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_REFSEMANTIC_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RefSemantic'. A Property in AttributeType.
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_ROLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RoleAttributeName' in an AttributeNameMapping. The CAEX-Wrapper is AttributeNameMappingType.
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_ROLE_INTERFACE_NAME The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'RoleInterfaceName' in an InterfaceNameMapping. The CAEX-Wrapper is InterfaceNameMappingType.
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'Attribute'. The CAEX-Wrapper is AttributeType.
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'SystemUnitAttributeName' in an AttributeNameMapping. The CAEX-Wrapper is AttributeNameMappingType.
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM_UNIT_INTERFACE_NAME The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'SystemUnitInterfaceName' in an InterfaceNameMapping. The CAEX-Wrapper is InterfaceNameMappingType.
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_UNIT_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'Unit' of the CAEX-Element AttributeType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_REQUIREMENT_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'AttributeValueRequirement'. This is a Property in the CAEX-Wrapper AttributeValueRequirementType
Public fieldStatic member ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'Value'. A Property in the CAEX-Wrapper AttributeType.
Public fieldStatic member CAEX_FILE The Name of the CAEX-Element 'CAEXFile'. The CAEX-Wrapper is CAEXFileType.
Public fieldStatic member CAEXBASICOBJECT The Type Name of any CAEXBasicObject. The CAEX-Wrapper is CAEXBasicObject.
Public fieldStatic member CAEXOBJECT The Type Name of any CAEXObject. The CAEX-Wrapper is CAEXObject.
Public fieldStatic member CHANGEMODE_ATTRIBUTE The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'ChangeMode'. This is an attribute of any CAEXBasicObject.
Public fieldStatic member COPYRIGHT_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'Copyright'. This is an element in any Header CAEXBasicObject.
Public fieldStatic member DESCRIPTION_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'Copyright'. This is an element in any Header CAEXBasicObject.
Public fieldStatic member EXTERNALINTERFACE_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'ExternalInterface'. The CAEX-Wrapper is ExternalInterfaceType.
Public fieldStatic member EXTERNALREFERENCE_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'ExternalReference'. The CAEX-Wrapper is ExternalReferenceType.
Public fieldStatic member ID_ATTRIBUTE The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'ID'. This is defined for every CAEXObject.
Public fieldStatic member INSTANCEHIERARCHY_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'InstanceHierarchy'. CAEX-Wrapper is InstanceHierarchyType.
Public fieldStatic member INTERFACECLASS_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'InterfaceClass'. The CAEX-Wrappers are InterfaceClassType and InterfaceFamilyType
Public fieldStatic member INTERFACECLASSLIB_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'InterfaceClassLib'. The CAEX-Wrapper is InterfaceClassLibType.
Public fieldStatic member INTERFACEFAMILYTYPE_STRING The TypeName of the CAEX-Element 'InterfaceClass'. The CAEX-Wrappers are InterfaceClassType and InterfaceFamilyType for the Type.
Public fieldStatic member INTERNALELEMENT_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'InternalElement'. The CAEX-Wrapper is InternalElementType.
Public fieldStatic member INTERNALLINK_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'InternalLink'. The CAEX-Wrapper is InternalLinkType.
Public fieldStatic member MAPPINGOBJECT_ATTRIBUTENAME_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'AttributeNameMapping'. The CAEX-Wrapper is AttributeNameMappingType.
Public fieldStatic member MAPPINGOBJECT_INTERFACENAME_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'InterfaceNameMapping'. The CAEX-Wrapper is InterfaceNameMappingType.
Public fieldStatic member MAPPINGOBJECT_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'MappingObject'. The CAEX-Wrapper is MappingType.
Public fieldStatic member MAPPINGTYPE_STRING The Name of the Type of the CAEX-Element 'MappingObject'. The CAEX-Wrapper is MappingType.
Public fieldStatic member META_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_AUTOMATIONMLVERSION The Name of the additional AutomationML-CaexFile-Attribute 'AutomationMLVersion'.
Public fieldStatic member META_WRITERHEADER_STRING The Name of the additional AutomationML-CaexFile-Element 'WriterHeader'.
Public fieldStatic member NAME_ATTRIBUTE The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'Name'. This is an Element in every CAEXObject.
Public fieldStatic member PATH_ATTRIBUTE The Name of the CAEX-Attribute 'Path'. This is defined in ExternalReferenceType
Public fieldStatic member REF_SEMANTIC_TYPE The Name of the CAEX-Element 'RefSemantic'. This is a CAEX-Element with the CAEX-Wrapper REF_SEMANTIC_TYPE
Public fieldStatic member REVISION_AUTHOR_NAME The Name of the CAEX-Element 'AuthorName'. This is an element in RevisionType.
Public fieldStatic member REVISION_COMMENT The Name of the CAEX-Element 'Comment'. This is an element in RevisionType.
Public fieldStatic member REVISION_DATE_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'RevisionDate'. This is an element in RevisionType.
Public fieldStatic member REVISION_NEWVERSION_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'NewVersion'. This is an element in RevisionType.
Public fieldStatic member REVISION_OLDVERSION_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'OldVersion'. This is an element in RevisionType.
Public fieldStatic member REVISION_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'Revision'. The CAEX-Wrapper is RevisionType.
Public fieldStatic member ROLE_COMBINEDKINEMATIC **Obsolete. ** This Role name is not defined in an AutomationML RoleClassLib. So don't use it anymore.
Public fieldStatic member ROLECLASS_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'RoleClass'. The CAEX-Wrappers are RoleClassType and RoleFamilyType.
Public fieldStatic member ROLECLASSLIB_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'RoleClassLib'. The CAEX-Wrapper is RoleClassLibType.
Public fieldStatic member ROLEFAMILYTYPE_STRING The TypeName of the CAEX-Element 'RoleClass'. The CAEX-Wrappers are RoleClassType and RoleFamilyType for the Type.
Public fieldStatic member ROLEREQUIREMENTS_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'RoleRequirements'. The CAEX-Wrapper is RoleRequirementsType.
Public fieldStatic member SUPPORTEDROLECLASS_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'SupportedRoleClass'. The CAEX-Wrapper is SupportedRoleClassType.
Public fieldStatic member SYSTEMUNITCLASS_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'SystemUnitClass'. The CAEX-Wrappers are SystemUnitClassType and SystemUnitFamilyType.
Public fieldStatic member SYSTEMUNITCLASSLIB_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'SystemUnitClassLib'. The CAEX-Wrapper is SystemUnitClassLibType.
Public fieldStatic member SYSTEMUNITFAMILYTYPE_STRING The TypeName of the CAEX-Element 'SystemUnitClass'. The CAEX-Wrappers are SystemUnitClassType and SystemUnitFamilyType for the Type.
Public fieldStatic member VERSION_STRING The Name of the CAEX-Element 'Version'. This may be defined in every CAEXBasicObject.
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See Also


CAEX_CLASSModel_TagNames Class
CAEX_ClassModel Namespace

  • Introduction
  • [Version History](Version history)
    • [Version 3.5](Version 3.4)
    • [Version 3.1](Version 3.0)
    • [Version 2.1](Version 2.1)
    • [Version 2.0](Version 2.0)
  • [Getting Started](Getting started)
  • Examples
  • AMLEngine API
BEST Practice Content


CAEX Elements





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