F. Moreno-Insertis (2018).
Course on numerical simulation techniques for fluid dynamics.
Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain). -
V. H. Hansteen (2018).
AST 5110 Numerical modeling.
University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway). -
W. H. Press et al..
Numerical recipes.
Cambridge University Press.
http://numerical.recipes -
Culbert B. Laney.
Computational Gasdynamics.
University of Colorado, Cambridge University Press -
K. W. Morton and D. F. Mayers.
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: And introduction.
Computing Laboratory, University of Oxford, Cambridge University Press.
Anaconda 3 includes most of the required libraries.
We will have tests to run in CI/CD, so pytest will be convenient.
For good practices and clean the code pre-commit. Run pre-commit run -a to clean the code.
In addition, you will create your own python library. As a starting point, fork the numerical methods repository for AST5110.
In order to solve the excersices, it is highly recommended to create a private fork and provide access to jumasy1980@gmail.com. This will allow me interactively to follow the progress of each of the students (fork info).
If interested to have a notebook of the exersices and wiki, you can download from (jupyter-book).