When running the project first time
git clone https://github.com/AvishekRoy16/Grocery-Store.git
Then make a virtual environment using git bash
python -m venv <name of the environment>
source <name of the environment>/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project helps the user and seller to buy and sell grocery products respectively on the website. This project is useful for retail grocery shop owners as well as for customers. The project is useful for everyone who prefers to find grocery products on different parameters. It will also help the customers who are not able to buy groceries in the market. This will reduce time and also the energy to wonder where to find the best grocery products.
- Login: Customer will log in to the system using customer Id and password.
- List and update product Details: Admin can list & update product details to the system for customers and can also enter new deals and prices.
- Users: Customers can view the information about grocery offers and reviews provided by customers.
- Payments: Users can pay via online payment methods.
- Filters by choice: Users will be able to filter by different prices, brands, offers, and customer ratings.
- Operating Systems Used: Windows 10, Ubuntu 20.04
- Wireframe:
- Coding Language: HTML , CSS , JavaScript, Python
- Backend: Django
- IDE: VsCode
- Collaboration Platform: GitHub, Jira
- Running Device: Windows laptop and screens
- Database: SQLite, PostgreSQL
The flexible service-based architecture will be highly desirable for future extensions. The future implementation will be online help for the customers and chatting with the website in charge. We can also moniter the user needs to give them recomendations to help the customer as well as the sellers.# Grocery-Store.