wurc project live page here
This is a job board site with an automatic matching functionality, it has two types of users; personal and business (companies/organizations). personal users can log in, fill their details, and get jobs matched to the details of their profile. Business users can log in, post a job whenever they need to, and get profiles presented to them based on the best matches from the personal users.
As an individual seeking work, I want:
- An easy sign up step.
- A simple, straight forward, not too long profile page to fill, with ability to edit my details when I want to.
- To get my matches (jobs) as soon as I log in.
- Instead of the usual way of applying for each one, I want to get contacted by companies/organizations based on my matching score.
As a(n) Company/Organization, I want to:
- Easily sign up and fill my company/organization details.
- Add a job as often as I need with the ability to edit it, or delete it when I find what I want.
- Add as much or as little details of the jobs I am posting as needed.
- Get best matches of potential employees according to the job specs I decided in my job post.
- Materialize 1.0.0:
- Latest version of materialize was used to assist with the responsiveness and styling in all pages of the project.
- Google icons:
- Google Icons were used in several pages throughout the project.
- JQuery:
- JQuery library was used to make it much easier to use JavaScript, writing much less code to achieve much more.
- Git
- Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to commit to Git and Push to GitHub.
- GitHub:
- GitHub is used to store the projects code after being pushed from Git.
- Balsamiq:
- Balsamiq was used to create the wireframes during the design process.
- w3schools
- w3schools was used regularly for reference on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Python.
- Flask:
- Flask was used as the framework for this project
- Jinja engin:
- Jinja template was used through the project to add logic based contents to the pages.
Hero image width: in the base template, a container div was added to style the block contents bing injected in the other templates. This created a problem that the hero image width would get restricted by the width of the container, whereas it was supposed to stretch to the full width of the view port.
- To break out of the container class, without removing it and losing its style on all the other template, a new hero_image block was added outside (above) the container in the base template. The hero image was then injected in this block in the getwurc template, which enabled the style of the hero image to stretch to the full width of the view port as intended.
Input validation: in the profile and job input forms, when creating the function for matching the personal users with available jobs, the function logic was sund and correct. However, it was returning errors at several points when testing. The issue was coming from incorrect inputs from the mentioned forms such as empty values and special characters.
- To fix this issue, input was restricted by the approperiate pattern using regular expressions.
Database values that does not exist: the initial testing of the matching function returned several errors, these errors were due to the function trying to access a key/value in a specific database collection when that specific key/value did not exist yet.
- Fixing this issue took two steps: First, re-structure the logic of the function to check if the keys/values being targeted exists first before the next step. Second, add conditional stetement blocks in the html. Again, making sure that a key/value exists before using it.
The W3C Markup Validator and W3C CSS Validator Services were used to validate every page of the project to ensure there were no syntax errors in in the html and css. Aside from the Jinja template parts, there were no errors found.
Update: in depth validation showed errors with select input having 2 selected options, and the hero image had no alt attribute. Measures were taken to fix these errors.
As an individual seeking work, I want:
An easy sign up step.
A simple, straight forward, not too long profile page to fill, with ability to edit my details when I want to.
To get my matches (jobs) as soon as I log in.
Instead of the usual way of applying for each one, I want to get contacted by companies/organizations based on my matching score.
- The user contact details are visible to companies/organizations, so they can contact the user when a company decide to.
- The user has no option to apply to jobs directly.
As a(n) Company/Organization, I want to:
Easily sign up and fill my company/organization details.
Add a job as often as I need with the ability to edit it, or delete it when I find what I want.
Add as much or as little details of the jobs I am posting as needed.
- The input fields are few, so the user can add as much or as little details within those inputs.
Get best matches of potential employees according to the job specs I decided in my job post.
In addition to the above, there is a section which will be developed in future, which is the hypothetical figures. This section is intended to pull statistics relevent to the session user once the database has enough records to make it meaningful.
Different actions were performed in different order to further test the functionality of the site and to make sure that there are no errors, these tests were as follows:
register new personal user, then navigate to matches before completing profile
- result: success
register new business user, then navigate to matches before posting a job
- result: success
log in as personal user, then navigate to matches before completing profile
- result: success
log in as business user, then navigate to matches before posting a job
- result: success
log in as business user, post a job, navigate to matches
- result: success
log in as business user, post a job, update profile, navigate to matches
- result: success
log in as business user, post a job, navigate to matches, edit the same job, navigate again to matches
- result: success
log in as business user, post a job, navigate to matches, delete the same job, navigate again to matches
- result: success
log in as personal user, update profile, navigate to matches
- result: success
log in as personal user, update profile, navigate to matches, edit skills, navigate to matches again
- result: success
In addition to the above, When the user (company or personal) has not filled in profile details yet, but they have skills to be matched (from a job post or from personal skills). The match appears with the relevent matching score regardless of the missing profile details. I thought of removing this part because it might provide false hope. However, I decided to keep This feature as is because of its potential to incentivise users to complete profile details once they see that there are matches.
- The Website was tested on browsers (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge browsers) and it worked properly.
- The website was viewed on a variety of devices (Desktop, Laptop, Big LG screen, iPhone 8 & iPhone5/SE) and the responsiveness was woring properly.
- Testing was done to ensure that all available (clickable) button are working properly and the links are liked correctly.
- Friends and family members were asked to review the site and documentation to point out any bugs and/or user experience issues. non were found.
- Tested the site using Chrome Lighthouse (for both desktop and mobile) and below are the scores:
- On non standard screen sizes, some text in the profile and fill_profile templates gets overlapped if the contents are long.
- When viewing the list of matches for all the jobs listed by a business user, the job itself is not included. This can get confusing if a particular candidate is matched for more than one job.
Beneath your imports you will need to configure your run.py file. You will need to import your local env.py for local environments. For configuration for Heroku.
Configure as follows:
if os.path.exists('env.py'):
import env
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['MONGO_DBNAME'] = os.environ.get('MONGO_DBNAME')
app.config['MONGO_URI'] = os.environ.get('MONGO_URI')
app.secret_key = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY')
mongo = PyMongo(app)
To start your application, you will need to use the following at the bottom of your app.py file. You will need to ensure that debug=False prior to deployment.
if __name__ == '__main__':
You will need to add a Procfile and ensure your requirements.txt are up to date. In your root folder in the terminal type - touch Procfile - this will create a Procfile Add the following with the following web: python run.py
To install the requirements.txt use the following command in the terminal command line pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create env.py file in the same file system. In your route folder type - touch env.py - to create the file. Your virtual configurations should look similar to this. You will need to create a SECRET_KEY and input the IP and PORT settings. I used Random Key Gen.
import os
# App config
os.environ.setdefault("IP", "")
os.environ.setdefault("PORT", "5000")
os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", "<Your secret key>")
# MongoDB config
"MONGO_URI", "mongodb+srv://<user>:<password>@<project>.af8bz.mongodb.net/<database>?retryWrites=true&w=majority")
os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_DBNAME", "<database>")
To add files to the repository, take the following steps
In the command line type -
git add .
git commit -m "This is being committed"
git push
To add all new files or modified file use " ." - To add a single file, use the pathway to the file eg .index.html or assets/css/style.css When committing make sure your comments are clear about what changes have been made. Pushing will send your work to the repository
Requirements for deploying:
- MongoDB Account
- Heroku Account
- Email account
Deploying to Heroku
- You will need to sign up to Heroku
- Once logged in click the create new app button
- Select the region closest to you and give the APP a name
- Set your deployment method to 'GitHub'
- Connect to GitHub and login
- Search for the repository you wish to deploy from
- You will need to head to settings and click 'Config Vars'
- You will now need to set up your Configuration Vars the same way as you did for your env.py
- Make sure you have set up your Procfile and you have updated the requirements.txt prior to deploying
- Click the deploy tab and go to manual deploy
- Select the branch you wish to deploy and deploy the application
- Once it is deployed you will be able to view the app
- You can set it to automatically deploy every time you push to the repository by enabling the Automatic deploys
Forking the GitHub Repository
By forking the GitHub Repository, you can make a copy of the original repository in your own GitHub account. This means we can view or make changes without making the changes affecting the original.
- Log into GitHub and locate the GitHub Repository.
- At the top of the Repository there is a "Fork" button about the "Settings" button on the menu.
- You should now have a new copy of the original repository in your own GitHub account.
- You will need to install the requirements.txt using the following command the command line pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- You will need to set up your local environments and key value pairs for deployment
Making a Local Clone
Log into your GitHub then find the gitpod repository
Under the repository name there is a button that says, "Clone or download". Click on this button.
If cloning with HTTPS "Clone with HTTPS", copy this link.
Open Gitbash
Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be.
Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied earlier.
$ git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY Press - Enter- Your local clone will be created. $ git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY > Cloning into `CI-Clone`... > remote: Counting objects: 10, done. > remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done. > remove: Total 10 (delta 1), reused 10 (delta 1) > Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Click Here for more info on cloning.
You will need to install the requirements.txt using the following command the command line pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- You will need to set up your local environments and key value pairs for deployment and running the application in your local environment.
- Parts of the contents were taken from other sources, which were cited as a comment were relevent.
- All of the rest of contents were written by the developer.
Tutor support at Code Institute for their support.
CI slack comunity for quick answers to short questions
My Mentor for the continuous helpful feedback.