Desarrollar un sitio web completo con los conocimientos adquiridos en la materia, el cual este sitio sea un clon de Instagram (blog de fotos). Este sitio web puede ser una aplicación completa en Laravel (usando el patrón de arquitectura MVC)
sudo chmod -R 777 storage
sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache
composer install
npm install
In the root of the folder rename the file .env.example
to .env
or use
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
Create a database using phpmyadmin or the mysql console.
Open the .env file from Generate Configuration File.
They are placed in the MySQL section (line 11 approx.)
There you edit the value of the DB_DATABASE field, placing the name of the database you created. The result is DB_DATABASE=databaseName.
Then just run the migrations with
php artisan migrate --seed
Generates migrations and populates the DB with default data
Utilities This deletes all the tables from the database
php artisan db:wipe
This deletes all the tables from the database and recreates all the tables. The --seed option populates the DB with default data
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
php artisan server