Example of how to use the client in a browser environment with the current preview build.
is analog to the NodeJS query
functions on the server side.
// import the client from the src folder (this will be changed when we publish to npm)
import WrangleBotAPIClient from "../src/Client";
// helper to get the location of the app
const appLocation = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}${
? ":" + (window.location.port - 100) // client and server tend to not run on the same port so adjust as nessecary
: ""
// create a new instance of the client
const wapi = new WrangleBotAPIClient({
baseUrl: appLocation, // the host url
version: appLocation + "/api/v1", // the versioned api url,
// the following are optional
// token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // the token to use for authentication, leave empty to login with username and password
wapi.signIn("admin", "admin").then((token) => {
wapi.connect().then((client) => {
if (!client) throw new Error("Failed to connect");
wapi.query.library.one('test').fetch().then((library) => {