NOTE: this file is not intended to offend anyone in any way, it MUST be treated only like a personal diary where I do a recap of the subject I've succeded at Computer Science and Technology course at UniBo. (work in progress!)
Each subject is valuated with a rating 0 to 5 in: 1.Personal level of interest 2.Difficulty of the subject 3.Difficulty of the exams 4.Average evaluation +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Higher is the 1 value, higher is the interest|personal appreciation of the subject; | | Lower is the value in 2|3, higher the difficulty of subject itself|exam;); | | 4 is the average of all previous values of the subject itself. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
If the rating is 'N/A' (Not Assigned) followed by 'optional' it means that i've succeded the subject without doing that part cause it was optional (in this case the final grade will be arbitrarily lowered by the professor); If instead 'N/A' is followed by 'only if requested by professor' it means that that that part of exam was necessary only if requested by the professor (in this case the final grade won't be lowered). (If requested by the student, it can always be done an additional optional oral exam to try to get a better grade)
Algebra e Geometria (Geometry and Linear Algebra, Matrix study and usage, Modular arithmetic, ...)
1) -> 2/5 2) -> 3/5 3) Written Exam -> 2,5/5 || Oral exam -> 2/5 4) -> 2,375/5
Algoritmi e Strutture di Dati (Exploration Graphs Alghorithms, Complex Data structure, Knapsack problem, study of O() of a function, ...)
1) -> 4,5/5 2) -> 4/5 3) Written Exam -> 1,5/5 || Project (AI that predict up to 8 moves ahead in ConnectX game in .java)-> 3,5/5 4) -> 3,375/5
Analisi Matematica (Study of a function, Integrals, Partial and total Derivates, intro to study of complex figures on graph, ...)
1) -> 3,5/5 2) -> 4/5 3) Written Exam -> 4/5 || Oral exam (optional) -> N/A 4) -> 3,16/5
Architettura degli Elaboratori (Computer Architecture, ASM language, HDL language, ...)
1) -> 4/5 2) -> 4/5 3) Written Exam -> 2,5/5 || Projects ('Nand to Tetris' from logic gates in .asm up to a compiler in .c) -> 2,5/5 4) -> 3,25/5
Idoneità lingua inglese B-1 (English language certification)
(Meaningless to evaluate)
Logica per L'informatica (Discrete Math, BNF, First order Methods, ...)
1) -> 3,5/5 2) -> 2,5/5 3) Written Exam -> 1,5/5 || Oral exam (only if requested by professor) -> N/A 4) -> 2,5/5
Programmazione (Introduction to Programming in C++, Basic data strucure like linked list, ...)
1) -> 4,5/5 2) -> 4/5 3) Written Exam -> 3/5 || Project (C++ game in ASCII graphics written using the library 'NCurses') -> 3/5 4) -> 3,5/5
Ottimizzazione Combinatoria (Graph Algorithms, Linear Programming, ...)
1) -> 3.5/5 2) -> 3/5 3) Written Exam -> 3.5/5 || Oral exam (only if requested by professor) -> 2/5 4) -> 3/5
Calcolo Numerico (Algebra and Numerical analisys applied to things like Image restoration)
1) -> 3/5 2) -> 3/5 3) Written Exam -> 5/5 || Oral exam -> 2/5 4) -> 3,25/5
Linguaggi di Programmazione ([module 1]Automs, PDA, Regular Expression ...; [Module 2]Memory stack, Variable Scoping, Downward Funarg Problem, ...; [Module 3]Type theory, Polymorfism, OOP paradigm...)
1) -> [1] 1.5/5, [2] 2/5, [3] 3.5/5 2) -> [1] 3.5/5, [2] 4/5, [3] 3/5 3) Written Exam -> [1] 2/5, [2] 3/5, [3] 2.5/5 || Oral exam -> [1] 1.5/5, [3] 2/5 4) -> [1] 2.125 [2] 3 [3] 2.75 -> 2.265/5
*Reti di Calcolatori (Networks archtecture and functionality, Wireless archtecture and functionality, Cybersecurity in comunication, 'Route algorithms', ...)
1) -> 3.5/5 2) -> 3.5/5 3) Written Exam -> 3/5 || Oral exam (only if requested by professor) -> N/A 4) -> 3.33/5
Calcolo delle Probabilità e Statistica (Probability calculus and Statistics)
1) -> 2/5 2) -> 2.5/5 3) Written Exam -> 2.5/5 || Oral exam (only if requested) -> N/A 4) -> 2.33/5
Sistemi Operativi (Unix based Operative Systems, Concurrency Paradigms like Semaphores, Message Passing and Monitor, OS development in C, linux system calls...)
1) -> 5/5 2) -> 3.5/5 3) Written Exam -> 1,5/5 || Project (MicroKernel for uPANDOS, in C)-> 1.5/5 || Oral exam (only if requested) -> N/A 4) -> 2.875/5