Social Network
- Read (or write to) from the file
- Searching by the name
- Displaying the mutual friends between 2 persons
- Shortest link between 2 persons
- Suggested friends
- 2 groups
*Details:- 1.1. Register to add new person in the file 1.2. add friends
2.1. function search({ //return info<> list }
3.1. function mutualFriends(user.name1, user.name2){ //return mutualFriends<> }
4.1. function shortestPath(user.name1, user.name2){ //return names<> }
5.1. function suggestFriends( x){ if(x != direct Connection) { /criteria #1 number of links <= 5/
/*criteria #2
if( ==
return names<> */