Welcome to my ArchLinux dotfiles repository! In this repository, you will find my configuration files for various software that I use on my ArchLinux system [blog about software and hardware i use].
- noto-fonts
- noto-fonts-emoji
- noto-fonts-cjk
- ttf-jetbrains-mono
- ttf-joypixels
- ttf-font-awesome
- sxiv
- mpv
- zathura
- zathura-pdf-mupdf
- ffmpeg
- imagemagick
- man-db
- feh
- python-pywal
- xclip
- zip
- unzip
- unrar
- light
- git
- sxhkd
- zsh
- pipewire
- pipewire-pulse
- arc-gtk-theme
- dunst
- cowsay
- pamixer
- bluez
- bluez-utils
- ranger ..