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This Pocketmine-MP plugin is a plugin including a complete faction system.


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Simple faction plugin replacing FactionsPro which is no longer updated.


Command Name Command Description Available for
/f help Faction help menu. everyone
/f create Create a faction. everyone
/f info Get information of a faction. everyone
/f who Get information of a player's faction. everyone
/f accept Accept a faction invitation. everyone
/f deny Deny a faction invitation. everyone
/f chat Change your chat configuration. everyone
/f home Teleport to your faction's home everyone
/f top Shows the top factions. everyone
/f bank Manage your faction's bank. everyone
/f leave Leave your current faction. everyone
/f map Show the nearby claims. everyone
/f border Show the chunk border limit. everyone
/f here Show claims information. everyone
/f claim Claim a chunk. officers
/f unclaim Unclaim a chunk. officers
/f invite Invite a player to your faction. officers
/f kick Kick a player from your faction. officers
/f sethome Set your faction's home. officers
/f delhome Delete your faction's home. officers
/f war Manage faction wars. officers
/f delete Delete your faction. leader
/f allies Manage your faction alliances. leader
/f promote Promote a member. leader
/f demote Demote an officer. leader
/f transfer Transfer your leader status. leader
/f admin Administrative commands. staff (simplefaction.admin)

Future additions

Name Description Type
Safezone system Allows you to create safezones that cannot be claimed. system
UI System Add an UI extension plugin. extension


Feature SimpleFaction FactionsPro PiggyFactions
SQLite3 Support
MySQL Support
Async Queries
Editable message
Multiple claim
Multi-Language Support
Economy System
EconomyAPI Support
ScoreHUD Support (v5 & v6)
Floating Text

Additional plugins

Name Usage Download
EconomyAPI Bank system Download
PureChat Chat integration Download
Rank Chat integration Download
FacEssential Chat & Scoreboard integration Download
Scoreboard Scoreboard integration Download
ScoreHUD Scoreboard integration Download
ScoreHUD V5 Addon Scoreboard Integration Download
ScoreHUD V6 Addon Scoreboard Integration Download
InfoTag Nametag integration Download


  • @Se7en-dev
  • @max-xoo


  • English - @Ayzrix, Se7en-dev & UnEnanoMas.
  • French - @Ayzrix.
  • Spanish - @Santi.


#     _____ _                 _      ______         _   _
#    / ____(_)               | |    |  ____|       | | (_)
#   | (___  _ _ __ ___  _ __ | | ___| |__ __ _  ___| |_ _  ___  _ __
#    \___ \| | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \  __/ _` |/ __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \
#    ____) | | | | | | | |_) | |  __/ | | (_| | (__| |_| | (_) | | | |
#   |_____/|_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|_|  \__,_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
#                      | |
#                      |_|

# Database provider (SQLITE | MYSQL)

# Edit this only if 'PROVIDER' is on MYSQL
mysql_address: "SERVER ADDRESS"
mysql_user: "USER"
mysql_password: "YOUR PASSWORD"
mysql_db: "YOUR DB"

# Broadcast a message on faction creation / deletion
broadcast_message_created: true
broadcast_message_disband: true

# Activate or deactivate entering and leaving messages.
entering_leaving: true

# Activate or deactivate the bank system (/f bank)
economy_system: false

# Activate or deactivate the war system (/f war)
war_system: true

# War duration in seconds
war_timer: 300

# Faction name limit.
min_faction_name_lenght: 3
max_faction_name_lenght: 16

# Power gained per kill and lost per death.
power_gain_per_kill: 1
power_lost_per_death: 1

# Worlds where the players can claim.
faction_worlds: ["world"]

faction_pvp: false
alliance_pvp: false

# Time in seconds before invitations expire
invitation_expire_time: 30
allies_invitation_expire_time: 60

# Max members in a faction.
faction_max_members: 20

# Max allies in a faction.
faction_max_allies: 2

# Default power of factions
default_power: 0

# Select the claim mode you want (CUSTOM | MULTIPLICATIVE | ADDITIVE)
claim-mode: "CUSTOM"

# CUSTOM : Define the power needed for each individual claim.
# Maximum claim number is defined by the amount of lines you add in the list below.
# (1 line = 1 claim)

# Edit this part ONLY if you select CUSTOM as the claim mode.
  - 100
  - 500
  - 800
  - 1000
  - 2500
  - 5000

# MULTIPLICATIVE : Define the power needed for each claim with a multiplicative factor.
# Claim cost = starting claim price*(multiplicative factor**claim count)
# EXAMPLE with starting claim price = 100, multiplicative factor = 2 :
# 1st claim costs 100*(2**0) = 100, 2nd claim costs 100*(2**1) = 200, 3rd claim 100*(2**2) = 400 etc...

# ADDITIVE : Define the power needed for each claim with an additive factor.
# Claim cost = starting claim price+(additive factor*claim count)
# EXAMPLE with starting claim price = 100, additive factor = 500 :
# 1st claim costs 100+(500*0) = 100, 2nd claim costs 100+(500*1) = 600, 3rd claim 100+(500*2) = 1100 etc...

# Edit this part ONLY if you select MULTIPLICATIVE or ADDITIVE as the claim mode.
starting_claim_price: 100
factor: 2 # multiplicative or additive factor (depending on the claim mode you chose)
max_claims: 5

# Claims of the same faction have to be next to each other (first claim can be anywhere) (true|false)
adjacent_claims: false

# Prefix usable in languages. {prefix}
PREFIX: "§6[§fSimpleFaction§6]§f"
PLAYER_ONLY: "{prefix} §cThis command can't be used in the console !"
MAP_HEADER: "§6--------------------(§f{X}§6, §f{Z}§6)--------------------"

# Banned faction names
banned_names: ["op", "staff", "admin", "fuck", "shit"]

  "Wilderness": "§d"
  "Own-Faction": "§a"
  "Allies": "§e"
  "Enemies": "§c"

# RGB Colors
  "Wilderness": "255, 0, 180"
  "Own-Faction": "0, 255, 0"
  "Allies": "255, 255, 0"
  "Enemies": "255, 0, 0"

# Top floating text
# true | false
floating_text: false
floating_text_coordinates: "0:100:0:world"
floating_text_title: "§6- §fTop 10 factions with the most power §6-"
# TAGS: {number} {faction} {power} {members} {bank}
# Sort by power.
floating_text_line: "§6#{number} §f- §6{faction} §fwith §6{power} §fpower(s) and §6{bank} §fmoney"
# Line limit
floating_text_limit: 10


This Pocketmine-MP plugin is a plugin including a complete faction system.







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