- Fully Open-Source
- Customizable
- Easy to configure
- Simple resource with 0.0ms resmon idle, up to 0.02 when starting ptfx.
- Standalone Framework-wise as there's no framework dependencies if not using item or QB notify. QB/ESX item setup, I don't use esx so test or pr at your will.
- Command or Item use.
- Custom prop: B0STRA
- Custom animation: Enchanted Animations @EnchantedBrownie
- Drag and drop
- Ensure after ox_lib, and framework if using items.
- ox_inventory/data/items.lua
['hairspray'] = {
label = 'Hairspray',
description = 'A can of hairspray to restyle your hair',
weight = 1,
stack = false,
close = true,
consume = 0,
client = {
event = 'bostra-hairstyle:client:openMenu'
- qb/lj/ps-inventory goes into qb-core/shared/items.lua
["hairspray"] = {
["name"] = "hairspray",
["label"] = "Hairspray",
["weight"] = 1000,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "hairspray.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "A can of hairspray to restyle your hair"
- Use
/hathair (position)
for example/hathair 1
will be the Hair1 in the config.
Enchanted Animations - Custom Animations @EnchantedBrownie
None if not using menus or framework reliant item use.
ox_lib - if using menus