A simple laravel application to capture screenshot of added tv channels / streaming urls and check for any predfined errors.
- Laravel (As the development framework)
- Filamentphp (For dashboard development)
- protonemedia/laravel-ffmpeg (To capture screenshots)
- thiagoalessio/tesseract-ocr-for-php (To recognize error messages / texts on the captured screenshots)
- php intervention/image (To apply filters to screenshots to make it easier for Tesseract OCR to read texts on the images more accurately)
Other features will be added later
Spoiler Alert! (Opt-ins: Notifications on errors and scans)
Make sure you have installed FFMpeg and Tesseract OCR on to you server / system.
- git clone https://github.com/B0TU/tv-channels-monitor-app
- Composer update
- run php artisan migrate
- run php artisan:filament-user
- run php artisan queue:work