Log of my 100 days of code Challenge
100 days of Coding
Started the Udemy course "JavaScript Moderno Guía Definitiva Construye +15 Proyectos" (But there are really 20 projects). Downloaded the VisualStudio Code IDE and started to learn the syntax of Javascript programming language. Created a readme file in a new repository with my name. I will modify it later to have it as my personal CV on GitHub.
Thoughts: very motivated. Started this trend along with my friend Marwin. This course is exactly what I need to start creating my portfolio.
I installed different extensions on Visual Studio Code to work better in the course. Did not code anything today. But learned new ways on how to use Visual Studio to take advantage of the IDE and visualize the code better
Thoughs: I spent too much time looking for a job today. Got to grab some motivation from nowhere
Only able to watch the videos of today's class. Started a new certification in FreeCodeCamp.com: Responsive Web Design.
Thoughts: Got interrupted several times so did not do very much
Freecodecamp: add image into a website using HTML and crating checkboxes
Thoughts: not any. I little bit depressed looking for a job
Downloaded all the course resources from the Javascript Udemy course "JavaScript Moderno Guía Definitiva Construye +15 Proyectos" and tested varios sections of the code.
Thoughts: It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves
Just watched some videos but did not have time to put it in practice.
Continue the "Responsive web design" path in #FreeCodeCamp to enhance and review my web development knowledge.
Thoughs: I'm sending a lot of proposals via UpWork. A little bit sad when I think of my unemployment. :/
Today had to go to the doctor, I tried to watch #RMAMCI during that time. Arrived home I spent some time continuing the Javascript course.
Today is a rough day. Just realized I just have one day to finish all my classes at UTEL University. Currently trying to finish all my exams and stop coding to answer questions about coding web pages and coding robots with assembly language.