Android Step Implementation
- Choosing the architecture for the android apps = MVVM
- Creating UI and Navigation in Android Studio
- Add validation and logic into the android apps
- Connecting Android apps with cloud computing firebase
- Implementing Machine learning into android apps
- make sure that the apps is functioning as intended
Cloud Computing Implementation
- Providing database for the application with firebase and firestore in GCP
- Deploy Machine Learning model with cloud storage and AI platform
- Deploy the application with app engine
- Manage and monitor the billing and usage of gcp
Machine Learning Implementation
- Modeling using Keras with Supervised Algorithm (Neural Network)
- Using pandas to represent data frames. balances the dataset from 4:1 to 1:1. Divide the data into training and testing datasets using Sklearn with test_size = 0.2
- Train the model and generate a file with .h5 format then convert it to .tflite to be implemented on android
- The data obtained after testing and training reach 97% for accuracy training and 98% for validation accuracy