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How to hide the in game HUD

C.S. Melis edited this page Mar 24, 2024 · 5 revisions

In vanilla Freelancer, the HUD you have in space can only be minimized, not completely hidden. Luckily Freelancer: HD Edition comes with a plugin that allows you to actually hide it! This tutorial will show you how it works.

  1. In Freelancer, go to OPTIONS -> CONTROLS.
  2. Next, open the USER INTERFACE tab and find the MINIMIZE HUD control.
  3. Set a SECONDARY key for the MINIMIZE HUD control.
    1. Enter any key combination with either Ctrl, Shift, or Alt. So for example Ctrl + E or Shift + A will do. This is important, otherwise it won't work!
  4. Save changes.


Once you've followed the steps above, go to space in-game. When you press the key combination you've just set, it should now toggle between the following 3 HUD states:

  • Remove HUD
  • Remove HUD and cursor
  • Restore HUD and cursor


If there's still a wireframe from your selected target on the screen after removing the HUD, press the Clear Target (Ctrl + T) key to remove that wireframe too.

Have fun taking screenshots!