A one day tech test to build the business logic for a game of tic tac toe. It should be easy to implement a working game of tic tac toe by combining the code with any user interface, whether web or command line.
The rules of tic-tac-toe are as follows:
- There are two players in the game (X and O)
- Players take turns until the game is over
- A player can claim a field if it is not already taken
- A turn ends when a player claims a field
- A player wins if they claim all the fields in a row, column or diagonal
- A game is over if a player wins
- A game is over when all fields are taken
Written in Ruby and tested with RSpec.
git clone https://github.com/BDCraven/tic-tac-toe.git
- Run the command
gem install bundle
(if you don't have bundle already) - When the installation completes, run
- Run the tests by typing rspec in the command line.
To test how easily the code could be combined with a user interface I included a play method which allows a basic version of the game to be run in irb:
2.4.0 :001 > require './lib/tictactoe.rb'
=> true
2.4.0 :002 > game = TicTacToe.new
=> #<TicTacToe:0x007fb24694f6d8
@board=[" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
@player_one="X", @player_two="O", @turn_count=1>
2.4.0 :003 > game.play
Player X: Please enter a number: 1-9
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Player O: Please enter a number: 1-9
X | |
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