Catalog of books with detailed information. The catalog is loaded from Google.
- Vue.js 3 + TypeScript
- Vue Router
- UI: Pure css, no library.
- Mobile adaptation with media querie
- Many search options (by title, by author, by publisher or everywhere)
- Outputting a result on a new or relevant list
- Shows the result or page by page or infinite scroll
- Shows detailed information about the book
- Skeletons when loading data
- API from Google Api Book
These instructions will help you run a copy of the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
For the project to work, the following dependencies must be installed on your system:
- Node.JS and NPM — Documentation
- Copy this repository to your local machine
- Run the command in the project folder
npm install
- Start the project
npm run dev
Enter any word in the search box and wait for the result. You can get detailed information about a book by simply clicking on the title of the book.