Adds a marker above players heads while they are talking. (Default style is Sims Style icon above player head)
(Just adds a little when you have a large group and need to know who's speaking.)
Has a full config file to adjust the marker type, size, location, optional bouncing, and if you want it to always face the camera when you look around (With instructions).
INFO: You CAN set the marker height to a NEGATIVE number to bring it lower like FamilyRP-Style-Voice with their circle on the players feet.
Read the GitHub README for more information
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Alternative link:
✅ Create a standalone version.✅ Create a Config file.✅ Add option to change marker in config✅ Add option for marker size in config.✅ Add option to change height of marker in config.✅ Disabled marker when players are not speaking.✅ Make one-sync compatible- (If you have any suggestions, Please post them here and we can work on adding them in the future)
- If player talking is running around, sometimes if marker is too low, it pokes through players head (Just raise the height in config to fix)
Author: BTNGaming @BTNGaming Code/Debug Help: Jxnes @Jxnes Original Concept: FamilyRP-Style-Voice - Idea came from this, without marker under player (But you can add this still)
- 0.1.0
- Initial Release
- Fixed marker becoming infinitly tall
- Config system created.
- 100% clientsided (No serverside files)
- Tested with Mumble-Voip & TokoVoip.
- One-Sync compatible.