This is a background service that constantly checks if connection is available. You can select the URL to ping and the interval of this action.
In your activity, where you want to start this service:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, ConnectionService.class);
// Interval in seconds
intent.putExtra(ConnectionService.TAG_INTERVAL, 100);
// URL to ping
intent.putExtra(ConnectionService.TAG_URL_PING, "");
// Name of the class that is calling this service
intent.putExtra(ConnectionService.TAG_ACTIVITY_NAME, this.getClass().getName());
// Starts the service
Implement ConnectionService.ConnectionServiceCallback on your activity and override the methods:
public void hasInternetConnection() {
// has internet
public void hasNoInternetConnection() {
// no internet :(
Stop the service
stopService(new Intent(this, ConnectionService.class));